On the weekend I posted an article about a condo where they posted a notice that ICE was being called and they would check immigration status of residents. In the article they claimed many illegalls who were renting moved out. The main reason the condo resorted to this was due to owners illegally renting units to illegals where often times too many people live in one unit. In order to rent a unit the potential tenants need to be screened but these people are renting units without the screening. Most condos require the unit owner or tenant to produce a Social Security Number during screening. It also prevents certain criminals from moving in and the board and management know who lives there.
My condo complex has this problem and I spoke to the president and we are calling ICE to come into our complex. I am going to start to do the leg work to look at the units who are not owner occupied and tenants who have not been screened in each building within the complex. We are also going to look at certain owner occupied units as well.
I think many other condos will be jumping on the band wagon with this.