Congress Must Get Serious About Immigration Enforcement in Georgia

Patricia Walston , Atlanta Elections 2012 Examiner
November 10, 2011

What is the stand of those running for elected office in the 2012 Elections regarding immigration in Atlanta; and the nation as a whole? While many politicians give lip service to this ever increasing problem, few are willing to speak out in an election year for fear of losing the votes of those who are nationally connected to those who are here illegally.

Below are a couple of quotes for the two Atlanta boys running for President.

Newt Gingrich of Georgia: “Well, let me say, first of all, I think we would be better off to outsource E-Verify to American Express, MasterCard or Visa, because they actually know how to run a program like that without massive fraud. Second, the program should be as easy as swiping your credit card when you buy gasoline. And so I would ask of employers, what is it you would object to in helping the US in dealing with the problem involving illegal immigration?

Herman Cain of Georgia: “Illegal immigration also puts a tremendous strain on America’s entitlement and health care systems. Illegal immigrants are typically uninsured and cannot afford to pay for their medical care, driving up costs for all Americans, even those actually insured. In fact, several hospitals in the U.S. have declared bankruptcy as a result of the costs of caring for illegal immigrants.â€