Immigrant-rights groups divided over conviction of Border Patrol agents

Feb 22, 2007

PHOENIX Some controversy is brewing within Arizona's immigrant-rights community.

One group is denouncing the conviction of two Border Patrol agents in the shooting of an unarmed man in the back in Texas.

The other group says the conviction is justified.

Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Campean were found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon and other counts for shooting Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila near El Paso in 2005.

Both agents have been fired and have been sentenced to more than a decade in federal prison.

Immigrant-rights group Inmigrantes Sin Fronteras (EEN'-mee-gran-taze) (SEEN') (FRON'-tare-uz) will protest the agents' convictions at the State Capitol tomorrow.

But at least two other immigrant-rights groups say they can't in good conscious participate in the protest.

Somos America (SO'-mose) and Derechos Humanos (DARE'-eh-chose) (OOH-manh-ose) say the convictions are a rare case of Border Patrol agents receiving justice.

That last paragraph shows how uninformed they must be. Rare??