Congressman King says immigration bill is wrong ... 1FFD5E22A5

Monday, May 14, 2007, 3:51 PM
By O.Kay Henderson

Congressman Steve King says he would rather do nothing than the wrong thing when it comes to immigration reform. Later this week, the U.S. Senate is expected to take up a bill that outlines how illegal immigrants can earn U.S. citizenship -- mostly by paying a significant fine, but King says offering that kind of "amnesty" is wrong.

"I'm not for pardoning and I'm not for rewarding people that entered the United States illegally," King says. "This is a far broader issue...and we need to look down the road a couple of generations...because we don't get a chance to do this over and it's not the kind of toothpaste that you can put back in the tube." King made his comments this morning on Iowa Public Radio.

According to King, the media is giving Americans misleading information about what's happening in Iraq and that's why public support for the war is declining. King warns pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq could lead to Iran controlling 40 percent of the world's oil

"If the Iranians do that and move forward at the pace they are to develop their nuclear efforts and their missile system to deliver it, we could within five to ten years be watching an Iran that has the capability of easily striking Israel, which they have threatened to annihilate, but also the possibility of striking western Europe and then the United States," King said.

Last year, King said his wife was at greater risk of being killed on the streets of Washington, D.C. than the average civilian is at risk of being killed on the streets of Iraq.