By Frosty Wooldridge
June 13, 2005

According to Brian Williams of NBC News, Americans sit in gridlock traffic to the tune of 79 million hours annually. While lurching through bumper to bumper traffic, they inhale toxic fumes from polluted air that covers all big cities like a brown cloud. Drivers’ stress levels create bile in their stomachs while road rage explodes at any moment.

Each day, 1,500 people add to the 36 million already in California. At the current rate of immigration driven growth, the once beautiful state of California will grow by 20 million people in the next 30 years. As if common sense took a back seat to suicidal insanity, our leaders allow three million illegal aliens and one million legal immigrants per year.

At the current growth being forced on America, we’ll add 300 million people by 2065. That means every wretched consequence of growth happening in America today will be doubled.

Every state’s population will double. Every city will double its air pollution, acid rain, gridlock, number of planes in the air, cars on the roads, schools to be built, water usage, gas consumption, people flooding our national parks, doubling of houses built, doubling of destroyed farm land, doubling of concrete and asphalt set down for roads, doubling of malls built and more and more being destroyed so that we have less and less.

If you’re driving in Los Angeles, it’s a nightmare of crushing bumper to bumper gridlock. Traveling across New York City is a study in personal misery. Have you driven through Chicago? I have driven an 18-wheeler for United Van Lines on my summer trucking job from teaching and I can tell you, driving through Chicago is like driving through quicksand. It takes most of the day to get out. Heading through Atlanta is a study in frustration beyond belief. Houston is a hot, sweaty study in road rage. Guess what? Texas will add 12 million people by 2025 according to a recent report.

How would you like an example of what’s happening to America? Fifty years ago, Bangladesh, India and China ignored their exploding populations. Today, Bangladesh suffers a population of 129 million people in a landmass the size of Colorado. Their people live in utter misery every day of their lives. Arun Gandhi, in a recent speech, said, “In my country of India with 1.1 billion, we have more than four million people who are born in the streets, live in the streets and die in the streets without ever having used a toilet, taken a shower or slept in a bed.�

China is SO overpopulated they suffer mandated one child per family. They live like sardines in a tin. Their pollution problems defy imagination. Their air is deadly. Water is filthy. Rivers run with toxic sewage. People live like rats. I’ve been there; I’ve seen it.

What does that portend for America as we follow those countries down that dangerous path? “Each person in the USA has an impact on the environment equal to as low as 10 and as high as 33 in a Third World nation. Therefore, the US population at 293 million is equal in many ways to a minimum of 2.9 billion people in environmental impact.� National Academy of Sciences

In Colorado, water wars grow on the near horizon. As that state adds four to six million by mid century, they will be forced to ration water. Arizona, a state so dry you can’t spit, sucks its aquifers dry, but expects four million more people in 50 years. Even more horrific, California will add 20 million, which, once those numbers are manifested, it will be one big traffic jam 24 hours a day. The quality of life and standard of living will drop like a brick in a goldfish tank.

In the meantime, we face peak oil by 2015. That means world oil reserves will plummet toward exhaustion. No alternative energy source is on the horizon. We face global warming that is cooking up the planet. Even if you think it’s not coming, when you burn 80 million barrels of oil worldwide every 24 hours, seven days a week and 365 days a yearâ€â€