Article published Jan 15, 2006
Racing to become a ‘nation of losers’

Special to the Star-Banner

Over the last couple of hundred years several things happened that have made America the greatest country on Earth.

Millions of hard working people immigrated to America, merged into our society and became God-fearing, patriotic, Christian citizens.

These people worked for practically nothing and the result was that we have a rich nation.

However, things are changing. We are now the largest debtor nation on Earth. We are losing our manufacturing base. We embrace multiculturalism. And we are removing God out of everything.

Multiculturalism divides our nation instead of causing it to stand together. Politicians don't like a nation of one mindset; it makes it harder for the minority party to get into power.

Politicians could not care less about the future of America. All they want is to get re-elected or the continuation of their party's power, as in the case of President Bush.

No nation can continue to transfer the working person's â€â€