by Brandon Darby 9 Dec 2013, 4:54 PM PDT

The corpse of a Mexican national who entered the U.S. illegally has been found in the U.S. According to authorities, the man was tortured prior to his death.

Though torture prior to murder is a trademark of the Mexican cartels that control the territory just a mile from where the body was discovered, authorities will not say if the incident is tied to them.

The original reporting on the story was done by Nadia Galindo of The man was identified as Carlos Alberto Garcia after his body was found in Starr County, Texas, along the U.S./Mexico border. Galindo reports, “Garcia’s upper body had multiple stab wounds, and his feet were bound with speaker wire.”

Garcia has previously been deported by U.S. authorities, but it is unclear if he entered the U.S. on his own volition in this instance. Mexican cartels are known to have recently transported a kidnapped victim illegally across the porous U.S./Mexico border. In that instance, a man legally residing in the U.S. with his wife was mistaken by cartel operatives for another man. They posed as law enforcement agents, kidnapped him at his home in the U.S., tortured him, then brought him to Mexico illegally for what authorities presume was an execution.

If Mexican cartels were not directly involved, another likely possibility is that members of U.S. gangs or other criminal organizations killed the man on cartels' behalf. There have been instances of the Aryan Brotherhood or Aryan Brotherhood of Texas working as foot soldiers for Mexican cartels, as well as cases in which the Texas Mexican Mafia was involved in activities that were suspected by U.S. authorities as being done on behalf of Mexican cartels. There has also been a recent murder spree committed by an illegal alien gang member of MS-13 who committed heinous crimes for the purposes of payback. Chicago-based U.S. street gangs have also kidnapped a woman and her child over payback for the father's theft of Mexican cartel cocaine.