Wed. House Hearing For Amnesty Shows Tin Ear To Needs Of The Jobless

By Roy Beck, Monday, July 12, 2010, 10:45 AM EDT - posted on NumbersUSA

Democratic Leaders of the House Judiciary Committee plan a hearing for Wednesday to examine the "ethical imperative" of granting an amnesty and increasing the number of legal U.S. workers by millions.

We will hope that other Democrats on the committee, as well as the Republicans, will talk about the ethical imperative of putting unemployed Americans back to work.

The hearing is a sign that Congress is far more interested in politics than in the needs of the country.

Why? Well, Democratic Leaders are telling reporters that they hope to use the hearing as a way to put Republicans on the defensive for blocking "comprehensive immigration reform."

Wouldn't it be nice if these particular Democratic Leaders would actually hold a hearing to decide what immigration policy would be best for unemployed American workers? NumbersUSA has been calling for such a hearing for almost two years now.

An ethical immigration policy would stop most immigration until the U-6 unemployment rate came down to at least 9% (currently, it is almost 17%).

It is time for Americans everywhere to speak up for themselves and their unemployed relatives, neighbors and friends. It is time that Americans contact Members of the Judiciary Committee and ask them to pass an ethical bill that would suspend all immigration of foreign workers through Chain, Lottery and unskilled worker categories and to greatly reduce the immigration of the lesser skilled immigration categories.

With Democratic Governors telling the New York Times that Pres. Obama's championing of illegal workers is hurting their chances for re-election in the fall, perhaps House Democratic Leaders could at least do the right thing for jobless Americans even if it is only for political reasons.

Here's the list of Members. You can reach them by calling 202-224-3121.


Howard Berman (D)
Judy Chu (D)
Elton Gallegly (R)
Zoe Lofgren (D)
Dan Lungren (R)
Linda Sanchez (D)
Maxine Waters (D)


Luis Gutierrez (D)


Steve King (R)


Gregg Harper (R)


Charlie Gonzalez (D)
Sheila Jackson-Lee (D)
Ted Poe (R)


Jason Chaffetz (R)
ROY BECK is Founder & CEO of NumbersUSA

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Folks: We need to be on the phone today. Don't let Luis Gutierrez ram this down our throats when so many Americans are unemployed and on the verge of losing their unemployment benefits.

ACTION: 202-224-3121