Bush Silent on Fox Outrage

Foreign Attack on Congress Goes Unanswered

Lou Dobbs Tonight - CNN - December 21

Tom Tancredo: The person that I want to hear complaining about this is the President of the United States. His silence here is deafening. Here is a president of another country, a foreign country, condemning the actions of the American Congress - threatening, mind you, threatening to get international support in order to stop us. What's he going to do, the coalition of the willing or something to attack the border fence? It is incredible. I don't know what chutzpa is in Spanish, but whatever it is, this guy's got it. (Watch - starts with Mexican spokeshole....)

Watch: http://www.americanpatrol.com/WMV/05122 ... T_-56K.wmv

Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... dt.01.html

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Not only is Jorge silent on this, but so is the majority of Congress and the US Senate. Contact these clowns and tell them to grow a pair and remind them who they actually work for. Tell them to grow a pair or get ready to be replaced next year.