Outrage over perks proposed for immigrant detainees
Posted: Jun 24, 2010 5:37 PM PDT Updated: Jun 24, 2010 5:37 PM PDT

(CBS 8 ) - Dance classes, bingo and continental breakfast may soon be offered to people being held at U.S. immigration detention centers, but not if San Diego Congressman Brian Bilbray gets his way.

The changes are part of a broader effort to make the detention centers more humane, but those against the plan say it will jeopardize the safety of agents and increase the bottom line for taxpayers.

Congressman Brian Bilbray is the chairman of the Immigration Reform Caucus, and he takes offense to pampering detainees with art and dancing classes, bingo and continental breakfasts.

"You know, there is a reason why the law calls them illegal aliens. It's because they are illegally in the country," Bilbray said.

Eight of the nine facilities where the changes may be made are run by the Corrections Corporation of America, a private company also in charge of the Otay Detention Facility.

News 8 spoke to CCA officials who say they simply want to offer more humane treatment. That would include offering hanging plants, fresh-cut carrot sticks and self-serve beverage bars at no extra cost to taxpayers.

"My reaction to that is CCA can say all they want with a straight face but we all know that the people paying the bill for these services are the American taxpayers," Bilbray said.

CCA runs these facilities for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Department. Officials with ICE sent News 8 a statement saying:

"(These proposals) are currently being evaluated and have not been implemented. Any such reforms will not be funded at additional taxpayer expense."

"Once you've got a population incarcerated, to lower your guard, to reduce a minimum standard of security is absolutely absurd," Bilbray said.

Congressman Bilbray says that because the proposals also include eliminating lockdowns and lights out, allowing visitors to stay 12 hours at a time and letting low-risk detainees wear personal clothing.

"The fact is you've got people in there and you don't know which ones are the bad guys or not," Bilbray said.

The congressman says we've got senior centers across America that don't offer free bingo, internet, dancing and more, so why give it to detainees?

"Doggone it, you're not going to do it for grandma and grandpa, why would you do it for somebody who is illegally in the country?" Bilbray said.

A letter to Homeland Security contains 11 pointed questions about cost and security, questions Bilbray wants answered by July 1.
