Follow the "G" Word
By Jan Herron
Sep 18, 2006, 10:33

Like everyday citizens, politicians develop perceptions colored by their personal interests. The difference is citizens are expected to decide based on their personal interests, whereas elected representatives take an oath of office swearing to follow the Constitution and enforce US laws without regard to their own personal interests. This is also true of the President and members of Congress that refuse to see citizens' outrage at their betrayal because it would require them to act against their own vested financial interests. Predictably, they follow the "G" (for GREED) word!

Wake up America! Illegal immigration is America's crisis! We have in excess of 20 million illegal aliens in the US with 3 million-plus pouring over our borders annually. (And that's in addition to the annual 1.3 million legal immigrants!). With these continued numbers, the US will add 250 million to its population in 50 years. Our children and grandchildren will inherit this unsustainable mess. Rather than honor their ancestors as we do today, they'll curse our cowardice in refusing to stop the foreseeable disaster.

Americans must recognize that each politician has only one goal on November 7--keeping his elected office. They'll say and do whatever necessary to prevent losing the election and receiving their "voters' pink slip." No matter what changes they promise, they regard their re-election as voter approval of the past performance and conduct, no matter how despicable. Watching US Senators vote on "comprehensive immigration reform" made this clear as never before.

Voters' targets in achieving "regime change" via the "voters' pink slip" are Senators up for re-election in 2006, especially those who have supported the George Bush immigration agenda. Tell them clearly that their "voters' pink slips" are on the way. Rather then let them off the hook for fear "their opponent is even worse," give them the boot. Rather than spend the next 6 years regretting your timidity, let the successor worry about getting the next "voters' pink slip" from an unforgiving continuency.

Let there be no doubt that the open-borders lobby will resist with every dollar at their disposal (and they have plenty!) Canyon County (ID) Commissioner Robert Vasquez' warning to others after his experience in this spring's congressional primary was highly accurate, as learned later by Randy Graf in Arizona's District 8 congressional primary just last week. In both primaries, the incumbent was retiring and would generally mean the national GOP would remain neutral among the various GOP contenders.

But not this time. In Idaho, the GOP-backed Club for Growth kicked in $430,000 in campaign donations for Vasquez' open-borders opponent, and the National Republican Congressional Caucus donated $234,000 to the Kolbe-endorsed open-borders candidate, Steve Huffman. When the other 4 congressional candidates exposed the "dark-of-the-night: scheme that NRCC hoped would remain hidden, the public outrage sent several House and NRCC leaders hiding under their desks with terse "no comment" replies to the press.

You may ask--How do we give "the boot" to senators and other politicians who refuse to represent "We The People?" Good question.

Politicians must hear LOUD AND CLEAR from their constituents that you're sick and tired of illegal aliens being allowed to take all our economic and natural resources while these same politicians stick law-abiding taxpayers with the bill. Because federal officials refuse to enforce our immigration laws, the US is overpopulated with urban sprawl creating a vast super-city across America.

Such disasters couldn't happen without pandering politicians from both politicial parties. Both the party accommodating global demands for cheap labor and the party pandering to ethnic lobbies for delivery of "cheap votes" are in bed together.

Today's California is tomorrow's America, a future of wall-to-wall bodies, unraveled social structure, citizens injured by frozen beverage cans thrown at their heads by anarchist thugs, depleted resources and an environment exhausted by mass immigration. It's coming to your state soon!

Every American must be made aware of the illegal alien invasion, and the issue must be publicly discussed and debated. We must insist on facts from the pro-illegal alien lobbies, and reject their customary emotional rhetoric and deception. Politically correct propaganda from the news media, politicians and ethnic lobbies will not be tolerated. Policy decisions must be made openly, heeding the opinions and needs of Americans, not pro-illegal immigration vested interests.

Begin with the public airwaves and insist that all radio stations broadcast "the whole truth and nothing but" that we currently hear only on CNN's Lou Dobbs. He is currently the only national broadcaster with the courage to tell the story of the illegal immigration invasion and its harm to Americans; he must be joined by every radio station in America.

Contact your local radio stations and insist on objective coverage and debate on the impact of illegal immigration. If the radio host presses the "ignore" button on you, stop listening to these "don't touch me I'm a star" radio personalities. Find another local station or listen on the web to those willing to tell the truth about the most critical issue facing the US: immigration, both legal and illegal.

Support those broadcasters and journalists willing to tell the truth about illegal immigration. Use the "off" dial for those who continue pandering to politicians and ethnic lobbies who pander to illegal immigration. Cancel your subscriptions to local newspapers who place the needs of illegal aliens above American citizens.

The good people of America should be justifiably outraged that the Washington lawmakers have abandoned them.

You have a choice in November. Exercise it.