A Blueprint For Sensible Immigration Reform

The issue of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION continues to be most controversial and thanks to the actions of the State of AZ a front burner issue. Today, there are many liberal politicians who are willing to offer what appears to most of us as amnesty in some form to those here illegally. In 1986, President Reagan did just that – offered amnesty with the provision that the border was secured and our laws enforced. Unfortunately, several administrations have failed to protect its citizens and we are now so overwhelmed with illegal aliens that our government is planning to again offer a form of amnesty, fast-track them to citizenship so we can offer free health insurance and other entitlement programs. Offering amnesty and making them dependent upon government programs only encourages more illegal immigrants and ultimately creates the dangerous possibility of one party rule. There is no reason to continue to reward illegal conduct!

This is at a point in time where US citizen unemployment is approaching 10% and 14% in Nevada. There are many among us who would gladly do those jobs now being done by illegal aliens. It is time to put the American economy and its taxpaying citizens on the front burner.

I am tired of exaggerated political correctness where anyone who doesn’t use the term undocumented worker or suggests deportation is a racist or even worse – a hate group member. I am not a racist! I am an American citizen concerned about our future. I am not against immigration because that is one of the things that have made our country great. I am against illegal immigration for all the problems it presents to both the citizen and the illegal alien. I want those who come here to assimilate, become one of us, and turn into a proud taxpaying citizen. I do not expect them to give up their heritage, their food, their language, or their culture – there is nothing wrong with dual!

While the following suggestions will seem very harsh to some, it is a blueprint that will lead to a stronger, more united America, Take away the crutches! Take away the excuses! Give those legal immigrants the opportunity to realize the American dream.

First and Foremost (Before anything else is done)

• Secure the border! If this isn’t done nothing else matters.
• Enforce all immigration laws without fail! Punish businesses and unions harboring illegal aliens alike.
• Immediately suspend all legal immigration except for skill sets that are in a shortage.
• Stop the flow of illegal drugs, money, guns and people from crossing our border either direction!
• Make E-Verify mandatory for all employers (quit removing the requirement from bills passed in Congress)!
• Eliminate all payment of social services benefits to illegal immigrants through enforcement.
• Assist hospitals with repeat non-paying illegal aliens with serious problems requiring regular treatment (i.e. dialysis treatment) to be repatriated to their home country via MediVac aided by their consulate.
• Make English the language of government – no more press 1 for English! If you want to be here, become one of us, assimilate!
• Eliminate Federal Funds for all “sanctuary cities.â€