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Quote Originally Posted by Susan Jones, Senior Editor,
Republicans Name Panel to Investigate 'Stolen House Vote'

"House Republicans have launched an investigation into what they're calling the 'stolen illegal immigration vote.' They say House Democrats cheated on Aug. 2, during a vote on a Republican proposal to bar taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal immigrants.

"According to House Republican Leader John Boehner, the GOP proposal passed 215-213 on the night of Aug. 2. But Democratic leaders promptly reopened the vote and allowed several Democrats to change their minds."

This never happened. You are very naive to think that this event occurred as the Republicans tell it. They have NO PROOF that the stolen vote ever happened. It is the Republicans' word against that of the Democrats, and neither group has any credibility after their joint attempt at "comprehensive immigration reform."

Rep. Michael McNulty (D-NY) hammered the gavel, and immediately thereafter, the scoreboard updated to read "215-213 FINAL." But the screen quickly went black; the House computer went down; and the hard disk reformatted - all by itself, presumably. There was no record of the vote the next morning; therefore, it never happened. Not really.

In fact, even C-SPAN apparently anticipated this little scam and guaranteed that it would never appear on TV. While the vote was taking place, someone diverted C-SPAN coverage to a re-run of some inane documentary. So there is no YouTube or VCR/TIVO recording of this so-called "stolen vote." It is just the testimony from one side of the aisle against the testimony from the other side of the aisle. So it never ACTUALLY happened - not really, not in home viewer land where the voters are.

Besides, it was just an infraction of House rules. Not a capital crime. Not a murder. Not a sex scandal. Not a missing person case. Not a shot to the back of the head by a suicide. Not a sabotaged small plane. Just a little bending of an insignificant rule that the House made for its own convenience. And who's to know? There is no evidence, no record that anything unscrupulous happened. There won't be any sound bites or replays of the "stolen vote" before the 2008 elections. So who cares?

"I called it 214-214," said Rep. McNulty [D-NY], after "215-213 FINAL" disappeared from the House scoreboard.

And Rep. McNulty is an Honourable Man. As are they all.