Of all places but then these day laborers are probably all citizens right?

City Considers Day Labor Sites

POSTED: 10:51 am EDT July 21, 2007
UPDATED: 10:55 am EDT July 21, 2007

WASHINGTON -- D.C. officials are considering two possible sites for a day-laborer center in northeast Washington.

D.C. Councilman Harry Thomas Jr. has been leading the efforts to create a center to accommodate the men who gather outside the Home Depot in Brentwood looking for work.

Some residents accuse the day laborers of drinking on street corners, relieving themselves on walls and sleeping under porches.

Thomas secured $500,000 from the city budget to build a center that would offer training and employment services. It would also have restrooms.

Thomas said one possible site is between the Home Depot and a Bank of America branch on Rhode Island Avenue. The other possible site is between the back of the Home Depot and the Israel Baptist Church.

Similar centers have opened for day laborers elsewhere in the region.
