
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Mad Mexican: this time for real
Category: Life

Alright this damn Mexican crap is really startin' to piss me off! What part of the words "illegal alien" do they not understand? My family has busted ass for three generations in this country to learn the national language, adhere by the rules, and even join the armed forces in some cases. And these (mod edit) come over here ILLEGALLY and then get pissed off when the government actually tries to do something about it?? When AMERICANS break the law we get FINED or serve JAIL TIME! That's the way it works and you are certainly NO exception!!

And these planned Mexican walk-outs? what the (mod edit) is that gonna accomplish? Nada. Instead, why don't ya just walk out of the country and back into yours?

For years I have been TIRED of the way society super-serves the Hispanic population around here. I couldn't begin to count the number of times that some Mexican has approached me either at work or on the street and started speaking to me in Spanish!! Even though I could hold down the conversation, I instead just look at them and say "no habla"... years ago, one of these Hispanics would humbly apologize or find someone to translate - they would bow out gracefully knowing that THEY were the ignorant one. Ohhhh but not any more. NOW they look at ME like I'm the one that's the minority. Look right in my face and say "You don't speak Spanish?" in some indignant tone. I look right back and say "What? You don't speak English?" Sheesh.

When I was a kid my parents made sure that English was my primary language. Somehow, I even managed to NOT learn Spanish fluently. I've always prided myself on the fact that I am fairly well-spoken and can speak just as good (if not better) English than most of my "white" friends. But now, you can't get a damn job unless your bilingual. Hell, I shoulda taken Spanish in high school instaed of 3 years of Latin. I took Latin to IMPROVE my understanding and usage of the ENLGISH language. Little did I know it was gonna be a BROWN world by 2006

(mod edit) the media and consumer marketers for helping us get here. Right now the radio station that I used to work for is a SPANISH station. Why? because you can make more dinero in Dallas, Texas selling ads to a buncha (mod edit) than to white rocker Americans. Pretty sad huh? How many times have you seen a "help wanted" sign with the note "bilingual associates needed". The last service job I had was actually DISAPPOINTED that I didn't speak fluent Spanish!

We must STOP super-serving these people. THEY need to learn OUR language. They need to follow OUR rules.

Ya wanna know what would make me happy now? If all the liberal hippie-(mod edit) went to Canada and all the spoiled (mod edit) went back to Mexico.
