Deaths ruled murder-suicide

PAULS VALLEY, Okla. (AP) - Sheriff's investiatgors have determined that the deaths of a man and a woman whose bodies were found in a van in far southern Garvin County were the result of a murder-suicide.

The bodies were found Monday night by a state trooper checking out what at first appeared to be an abandoned van.

The sheriff's office identified the bodies as that of Yanez Jesus Martinez, 37, and Erika Torres, 31. They died of gunshot wounds.

The woman was severely beaten and was shot several times. The man was shot once.

Martinez, believed to be in the country illegally from Mexico, worked as a mechanic in Dallas, Texas, while Torres operated her own tag agency business.

The two had apparently split up from a dating relationship a few months ago.

Information from: Pauls Valley Daily Democrat, ... N&start=80