Blunt their disrespect, arrogance
By Leland P. Hammerschmitt
May 7, 2006

The utter hubris of the Hispanic political leaders is more than palatable or distasteful — it's treasonous.

When an American — Hispanic or no — puts his ethnicity and his mother country before the interests of America, it should be labeled for what it is: sedition. Instead of cowering from the hollow threats of machismo Hispanic political leaders, the rest of America should look them straight in the eye, call them on their disrespect and arrogance and take them up on their bet. In poker, it's called a bluff; in life it's called disrespect. Ironically, respect is a key hyper-quality in Hispanic culture. Yet, the current political Hispanic leadership feels no trace of it in speaking to "gringos." To respond to Hispanic leaders who huff and puff about "a day without Mexicans," the easy response is: "How about a week without employment?" Better still: "How about three months of strict enforcement of our immigration laws and some quick deportations?"

The reality is to wait until after the November elections, but law-abiding Americans can bide their time.

Think the use of the terms "treason" and "sedition" is too strong? Remember World War II. Mexico stayed nominally neutral. Imagine being neutral in the face of abject Nazi evil! Most people think it was only the Swiss who were so morally shallow. In fact, Mexico actively sided with Nazi Germany early in the war and gave shelter to Nazi spies and operatives. From Mexico's point of view, it was a mere two-and-a-half decades since Gen. John "Blackjack" Pershing kicked out the invading Pancho Villa and only 93 years since the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo that ceded the southwest to the despised Americanos.

What is really going on is the end result of angry U.S.-educated Mexican-Americans — taught by our own very leftist professors, especially at the California State University level — encouraged to hate the "gringos" who "stole" their land. It's payback time. What a miscalculation! If ever you should feel defensive to an attack by a Hispanic intellectual, one has an easy response: "No, we didn't żsteal your' land; we merely conquered the conquerors." Watch them get flustered and then repeat the lie that they so self-deluded themselves with for so long thanks to encouragement from gringo leftist professors.

The concept of Aztlán (greater Mexico) and the "reconquista" (taking back from the gringos through illegal migration and birthrate) is a thriving and vibrant political hope bursting at the seams of the Hispanic left. With names like La Raza (The Race) and Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán) and "Por La Raza Todo. Fuera de La Raza Nada" (Everything for the race. Everything outside the race, nothing), the racism of the Hispanic intellects is clear. Imagine if whites had an organization called "The Race." Oh, oops, we did. It was called the Ku Klux Klan. The American left believes racism is only a white man's disease when, in fact, racism knows all colors and creeds.

As a healthy and righteous reaction to this Aztlán-esque puffery of the Hispanic leaders, it's time for some multiple, but select, raids in many of our cities across America and many forcible deportations. Threaten America with boycotts? Deport the ungrateful. Why reward the rude and the disrespectful? Of course, this will require America to bust the employers of these ingrates. Boycott America, will you? Pick a fight, will you? America holds all the cards.

The less strong-willed will point out that we need a growing work force. Fine. In Oregon, with a shortage of Mexican workers to pick the apple crop, some ranchers brought in workers from Thailand. Let this be America's guide and an object lesson to the Hispanic political leadership with quasi allegiance to this country and an overwrought and romanticized remembrance of Mexico. Yes, they too can be replaced. A guest-worker program from the Far East combined with strict immigration enforcement will remove all wind from the hyperventilation of the ungrateful Hispanic intelligentsia.

Want a job? Great. No amnesty. Bring back the guest worker of the past, this time without the abuses and treachery from both sides of the border, and let the visitors work to the extent that they stay law-abiding and respectful. Come, but you must leave. Go work and make Mexico into the prosperous country it should be. Who wants a rude and threatening guest in their home? To the Hispanic intellectuals, this time it's: "Mexicano, go home!" It's about illegal migrants? No, it's about allegiance.

— Leland P. Hammerschmit, of Ojai, is a fourth-generation Southern Californian whose ancestors arrived at Ventura harbor in 1863.