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  1. #11
    Senior Member Acebackwords's Avatar
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    The fear factor

    You can tell from this article that the illegal immigrant community is beginning to get the message. They are feelings the tremors. What we are projecting out here on this site (and elsewhere) is most definitely being recieved at the other end. I can assure you of that. For the past 40 years, most Americans have been busy living their lives. And the effects of mass immigration have largely been drip-by-drip, mostly un-noticeable on a day-by-day basis. But now, today, the cummulative results have become so obvious, so hideous, its as if America has suddenly awakened -- en masse -- from its collective daydream, and taken a good look at the results of what these people have done, and are in the process of doing, to this great country. And its as if we've awakend with a collective shudder of horror. At what has happened to our country and our neighborhoods. I suppose you could compare this process to a good slap-in-the-face wake-up call. For 40 years we've been brainwashed by our liberal friends in the media. Who keep telling us that "they" speak for "us." Who keep making their speeches about the hypothetical glories of "cultural diversity. Who keep drowning us out with their b.s. every time we try to speak. But those days are over. And now, we are turning a cold, hard eye towards the so-called illegal immigrant community. Just as we are turning a cold, hard eye towards the little men who have worked ceaselessly for the last 40 years to inflict this disaster on America (some of whom I can assure you are reading these words right now). And I suppose you could say that many, many of us are looking at them with a look of extreme displeasure.

  2. #12
    Senior Member dman1200's Avatar
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    debate rages, immigrants' fears rise
    Yet another misleading title of an article written by a no talent yellow journalistic hack who probably got their degree in political correctness for dummies 101. Immigrants fears rise? Wait a minute. What do immigrants have to fear if they are hear legally and obeying the laws of the land? Oh in your infinite doubletalk I easily deciphered that you meant illegal aliens. I don't care if they live in fear because they are criminals and you reap what you sow. I don't want them in my country, I don't want them to be comfortable, I don't want them to feel welcomed in my country. Get the picture? I want them to get the boot in the butt out of my country.

    "Why are they so angry?" asked Teresa Gonzalez, 57, a Mexican immigrant and naturalized citizen.
    Because illegal aliens are invading our country, committing numerous crimes, sucking our system dry, leaving many victims in their paths and turning this nation into a third world hellhole, that's what. I'm not angry, I'm downright furious. Maybe because we don't want to live how you people live in Mexico. If you think it's so great Teresa why don't you go back to Mexico? Your illegal alien friends are invading our country and trying to take over and turn our country into a third world paradise. How would you like it Teresa if an illegal alien invaded your home, slapped you many a times, raped you and your daughters, shot your husband and sons, ate everything in your fridge, had a major party with about 50 friends, trashed your place and then sued you in court for the damages they caused? You think we are angry now? You aint seen nothing yet.

    Gonzalez fears these elements are combustible and could spark violence.
    Yeah they are always worried about a backlash. Yet they don't say one word of concern about the growing number of violent hispanic gangs that are festering our country and now outnumber the police no thanks to idiots like her. They have no concern about the many numbers of murderers and rapists who enter our country illegally, committ the most heinous crimes and then flee to that dump in Mexico to avoid being caught by the cops. Yet when the crack down comes they start quaking in their boots. Why? Got something to hide Teresa? Is there something you wanna confess?

    Paul Rosenzweig is a senior legal research fellow at the Heritage Foundation. "There's a growing sense of dissatisfaction with the current (immigration) system," he said.
    No it's not the system that we are dissatisfied with. That's doubletalk. What we are dissatisfied with is that our immigration laws are not being enforced and our borders are not being secured. That's our beef. Nothing wrong with the laws on the books. They need to be enforced.

    Though the Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank, Rosenzweig said liberal immigration advocates agree that change is needed.
    Their idea of change is mass amnesty for criminal aliens and you the stupid sheepish tax payer pick up the tab. No thanks!

    "I don't think there's any consensus on what the right answer is," he said.
    80 percent of America wants the borders secured, our laws enforced, all illegal aliens deported and a drastic reduction in legal immigration. If that isn't a consensus then you tell me what is. It's the yellow belly politicans that continue to lack the desire and will to do what the American people want. We the people have to force them to change by voting them out of office. It's also the treasonous media who lacks the will to report the invasion like it is too. They are also to blame for this mess.

    One popular theory is that Schwarzenegger's comments were a politically motivated attempt to boost his sagging poll numbers.
    So what? I really don't care what his motivations are. As long as he's leaning toward the right side of the issue, that's all that matters.

    "The possibility of a nuclear device, even in nothing more than a suitcase, could be brought across and exploded in California," said Pealer, who is retired from the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Postal Service.
    Yet that possibility seems to go in one ear and out the other when brought up to these so called Latino activists. They are either really ignorant or are in serious denial. Don't these idiots realize that if/when we do get nuked that all of these so called civil rights will be thrown right out the window? If we get hit with a WMD, we will be under marshall law. That's almost a given. Then the government will finally have the will to enforce our laws when they have about million caskets to fill.

    Blalock said her daughter has reported hard economic times and local job losses, which she blames on the new immigrant population.
    I looked this up and back in the late 1800's this country had the same problem. Mass influx of immigrants were flooding the labor markets, driving down the wages and putting alot of citizens on the unemployment line. Only difference was that most of those immigrants were from Europe and some from China. What happened back then? What did the government do? Oh yeah they put a mortatorium on immigration and put a limit on the number of immigrants that could enter the country legally. For many years I might add. Yet why can't we do that now? What has changed since then other than back then our government actually had a spine? Oh and back during the Eisenhower administration, they actually deported a million illegal Mexicans back to Mexico and it really deterred alot of would be illegals from coming over and alot of them not caught self deported themselves to avoid being caught by the feds. That is until 1965 when Ted Kennedy enacted that hideous immigration bill that reopened the flood gates. So don't be fooled by these scam artist that say deportation isn't the answer. You laugh in their faces and point out the facts.

    On the opposite end of the philosophical spectrum, Ilene Jacobs, director of litigation, advocacy and training for California Rural Legal Assistance, agreed that money woes can spur anti-immigrant sentiments.

    Immigrants contribute to the economy, she said, while becoming scapegoats for Americans' financial frustrations.
    Stop trying to lump in immigrants with illegal aliens and putting them on equal footing you lying creep. It's not anti-immigrant, it's anti illegal alien. We welcome immigrants and we want them to work here. What we don't want is illegal alien (not immigrants) criminals coming here to steal our jobs.

    "Whenever we have problems in the economy, whenever we have people priced out of the housing market, like we have in California, the instinct is to blame the victim," Jacobs said.

    "They try to blame the people who have not caused the problem."
    WHAT? Victims? Victims of what? They came here on their own free will. They knew what they were getting themselves into and they knew what the consquences would be. Don't freaking act like they were innocent pawns in all of this. They knew what they were doing. Victims my behind. Criminals are not victims period.

    "People feel vulnerable, like they're targets," he said. "People are thinking, 'Now what?' "
    Now what? How about going back to your own country so you don't have to worry about the term illegal anymore? That's what.

    She said she's increasingly frightened of deportation and believes strangers have been eyeing her oddly in the grocery store.
    Good, then leave. Get out of here. Nobody wants your freeloading butt in our country anyway. Nobody invited you to crash the party. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out.

    "There's always been a little fear," said Ruiz, who came to the United States six years ago from Jalisco, Mexico. Until about two years ago, she worked in the fields.

    "Now it's getting a little worse, because what's happening at the border might come up here," she said.
    God I hope so. I hope the courage of the MMP spreads throughout America until every illegal alien is rooted out of the country.

    He believes the current immigration wars aren't necessary, because he and other migrants fulfill a need.

    "They think we're here to take their jobs," he said. "We do the jobs that Americans don't want to do."
    No your don't. You know what you are Herman? You are nothing, but a wage thief and a criminal. You steal wages from American citizens who need those wages to feed their families. You should be ashamed of yourself. You don't fill a need, your a parasite.
    Please support our fight against illegal immigration by joining ALIPAC's email alerts here

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    MR> Blackbourn???

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