June 14, 2006 10:14 PM EST

On June 6th, 2006, there was a presidential debate in Mexico. Five candidates were in the debate, and they were given five topics to discuss.

One of the topics was “Migratory Foreign Policy”

The “migratory” part refers to U.S. immigration policy, not Mexican immigration policy !.

Since Mexican presidential candidates are debating U.S. immigration policy, I feel it is my duty to let Americans know what they have in mind for us. Let’s hear what the Mexican presidential candidates have to say about our immigration policy . Let’s start with the two front-runners, Calderon and Lopez Obrador, one of whom will most likely be the winner on Election Day, July 2nd.


Felipe Calderon is the candidate of the PAN (Partido Accion Nacional) , Vicente Fox’s party.

In the debate, Calderon tried to make emigration personal: “I am honored to be from Michoacan, and like all Michoacanos, I have relatives in the United States who risk their lives to seek an opportunity there. Therefore, I will be a president who has solidarity with the “paisanos” (fellow Mexicans), because I know the pain of mothers and wives who bid farewell to a loved one, the pain of children who cannot be with their fathers.”

Calderon made three immigration promises:

“First, that all the money collected in the Mexican consulates in the United States stay there to help our ‘paisanos’.” Translation – more meddling by Mexican consulates.

“Second, I am going to promote a migratory accord with the United States so that those who are there and have been there five or six years can have legal residence.”

Sounds like what President Bush wants.

“Third, Whoever wants to go and work for a period of months or seasons each year, will do it legally and with papers.”


Then, Calderon made another proposal

“I am going to negotiate with Canada and with the United States an accord called “Por Nuestro Tierra” so that among the three countries, we invest in the zones that expel the most migrants, in infrastructure and development…”

Calderon is calling for the U.S. and Canada to finance development in poor regions of Mexico. There might be some merit to that idea, but why should we pay for that if we’re simultaneously allowing mass immigration from Mexico?

Calderon adds he will create jobs in Mexico and “at the same time defend all our paisanos”.

With Calderon, we can look forward to more globalism, more meddling, and American aid to Mexico.

AMLO - Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (known by his initials AMLO) is the candidate of
the PRD (Partido de la Revolución Democratica).

AMLO promised a no-meddling foreign policy:

“ We are going to be careful not to meddle in the internal life of other countries
and other governments, because we are not going to permit that they meddle in affairs that are only the business of Mexicans.”

That sounds good. But you have to understand that when AMLO says he won’t meddle in the affairs of other countries, that rule doesn’t apply to meddling in U.S. immigration policy.

Lopez Obrador said that, “the principal subject of the bilateral agenda with the Untied States has to be the migratory issue.”

Nowadays, that would be true of any Mexican government, of whatever party.

AMLO continues,

“We are going to convince the members of the American government, and the Canadian government, that the best relationship between a strong ecnomy and a weak economy is cooperation.”

He wants to make a NAFTA accord that will help Mexico in “the growth of the economy in our country and to create jobs.”

AMLO’s proposal is actually quite similar to that of Calderon (see above). He wants the U.S. and Canada to finance Mexican development.

But, AMLO doesn’t want us controlling our immigration policy:

“We have to convince them, persuade them that nothing will be resolved with walls, with raids, with the militarization of the border, with heavy-handed threats.”

In other words, we have to finance Mexican development, and simultaneously open our border to Mexican immigrants. And like George W. Bush, AMLO believes that …

“We also have to regularize the situation of the Mexicans who already live and work in the United States.”

Amesty, in other words.

But that’s not all..

“And from the moment I am president I will give instructions that the 45 Mexican consulates in the United States are converted into “procuradurias” (prosecutorial offices), to defend the migrants, to defend them against the mistreatment, the discrimination and the violation of their human rights.”

AMLO’s proposal is that the U.S. will spend money on Mexico while Mexico is simultaneously flooding the U.S. with immigrants and Mexican consulates continue to meddle in U.S. immigration policy.

OTHER CANDIDATES – Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) candidate Roberto Madrazo, in third place in the polls, also wants a migratory accord with the U.S. Big surprise.

There were also two candidates belonging to micro parties, Roberto Campa of the the Partido Nueva Alianza party and Patrcia Mercado of the Partido Alternativa Socialdemócrata y Campesina. These candidates are committed globalists who want NAFTA to follow the lead of the European Union. In other words, they want the same thing our own president seems to want.


Why are Mexican presidential candidates discussing U.S. immigration policy?

For Mexico, mass emigration is a safety valve that allows the Mexican government to postpone reform. What incentive does Mexico have to reform its economy when it can continue to send Mexicans northward?

The Mexican candidates have their differences. Felipe Calderon is, by Mexican standards, “right-wing”, AMLO is “left-wing” and Madrazo is defining himself as a “centrist”.

But on U.S. immigration policy, there is no substantial difference. All the candidates want open borders with the U.S., amnesty for illegal aliens, and continued emigration. They all want an expansion of NAFTA along the lines of the European Union.

And you know what – our own president, George W. Bush, is in agreement with them!

Allan Wall ( ) recently returned from a tour of Iraq and currently resides (legally) in Mexico.