Dems Bailout Proposal Redirects ‘Paulson’s Profits’ To Left-Wing Groups
2008-09-26 at 3:06 am · Filed under 2008, Activism, Conservatism, CounterPulse, Culture, Current Events, Economics, Media, Politics, Vox Populi

-By Warner Todd Huston

Bush told the country that we are in an economic crisis and his Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, came up with an idea that would, it is claimed, end up actually making money for the U.S. Treasury in the long run. That’s all well and good, but the Democrats already have a plan to siphon off any repayment of the people’s money back to the treasury by adding one little line to the agreement that would end up stealing money from any repayments and giving it to left-wing political advocacy groups like ACORN, the National Urban League and the Hispanic group La Raza. Instead of trying to help the economy, the Democrats just want more money for their left-wing political constituents. It’s business as usual for the Democrats, of course, but a bigger question is will the media let them get away with it?

On Thursday, the Senate Democrats shopped around a one page “Agreement in Principleâ€