Quote Originally Posted by 4thHorseman
The republicans better remember that. The buisness as usual antics from both sides will come to end. It's the peoples agenda that will be served here not Republicans or Democrats and they better remember that

[quote:15cpzr41]Your comment about the independents brings another thought......why not a major campaign encouraging people to drop their party affiliations and register as independents? Maybe it should even become a requirement.


However, all will be for nothing if we do not bring the lobby money under control because Independents can sell out too. Does the name Lieberman ring a bell?[/quote]

Agreed. But that's a change we won't be able to enact until we get those into office willing to do it.

We've got one hell of a mess to clean up but first we've got to untangle the ball of yarn and find an end to start at.