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3/13/2006 1:21:00 PM -0500
Phoenix a Mecca for Srebrenica suspects
PHOENIX, March 13 (UPI) -- U.S. officials are investigating 23 Bosnian Serb men and a woman living in Phoenix for links they might have had to the 1995 massacre of Muslims in Srebrenica.

So far, agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the FBI have arrested the 24 who allegedly were in either the Bratunac or Zvornik brigades that orchestrated the slaughter in July 1995, capturing, holding, executing, burying and re-burying the more then 7,000 Muslim men and boys.

All 24 former soldiers have been charged with immigration violations. Some remain under investigation for possible torture charges, under a little used law that is the only way U.S. prosecutors can try suspected foreign war criminals or human rights abusers other than on immigration violations. Often they are just deported.

War crimes investigators told Newsday while many of the soldiers were not involved directly, the Bratunac Brigade's MP platoon was a central cog of the killing process.

Throughout the United States, federal investigators and lawyers are working on about 1,000 cases of suspected human rights abusers from more than 85 countries, and they believe there are many more undiscovered suspects living in the United States.