Ed chief wants in-state tuition for illegal immigrant families
By The Associated Press
August 3, 2007
http://www.aspentimes.com/article/20070 ... 9436046077

DENVER — Higher education commissioner David Skaggs thinks children of illegal immigrants should be eligible for in-state college tuition and he’s asked the state attorney general to clarify what the current law says.

Public colleges and universities are interpreting the law differently.

Based on an attorney general’s opinion from five years ago, Metropolitan State College of Denver charges nonresident tuition to children of illegal immigrants. However, such students pay in-state tuition at the University of Colorado based on the advice of its lawyers, spokesman Bronson Hilliard said.

If Attorney General John Suthers finds that the law bars in-state tuition for these students, Skaggs said, he will ask the Legislature change it.

“The disconnect is, we treat these kids as Colorado kids for purposes of K-12 education, and then suddenly they fall of the edge of the Earth,â€