BP Union Dues used to Fund Pro-Illegal Alien Politicians

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May 7th, 2011 8:36 pm
By Jeff Schwilk

Andy Ramirez, President of the Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council, has uncovered shocking evidence showing that Border Patrol agent's union dues are being funneled to a group called PORAC (Peace Officers Research Association of California) which is supposed to defend agents who are accused of criminal or civil allegations during the course of their duties. PORAC has become the required de-facto legal defense fund for all Border Patrol agent members.

PORAC appears to have put up a half-hearted defense for BPA Jesus Diaz who was convicted in February of using excessive force on a Mexican drug smuggler by pulling on his handcuffs, a technique used by law enforcement officers everyday on aggressive and non-compliant suspects.

Ramirez has discovered that PORAC is actually a very liberal association that has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the political campaigns of the most radical, open-border, liberal politicians in California including Gil Cedillo, Lori Saldana, Jerry Brown, Gray Davis, Gavin Newsome, Kamala Harris, and many others as far back as former Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, who went on to become the mayor of San Francisco.

Why would the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) subcontract the legal defense of their member agents to a group whose PAC contributes to politicians who strongly oppose border security and the very mission of the Border Patrol in stopping illegal aliens from entering the U.S.?

BPA Jesus Diaz was known for his ability to track Mexican drug smugglers

Slideshow: Jesus Diaz' Children http://www.examiner.com/immigration-pol ... en-picture

Why is the NBPC not helping Agent Diaz obtain justice after he was clearly prosecuted at the demands of the Mexican Government?

Why aren’t they funding the appeal from their own non-profit Border Patrol Agents Legal Defense & Relief Fund or from the dues members have paid for years, which according to Ramirez, they can only access if they’re acquitted?

Ramirez, Agent Diana Diaz (Jesus’ wife) and many other border agents would like answers to those questions, but so far have received none.

Meanwhile, Agent Jesus Diaz is rotting in a 6 x 12 cell in solitary confinement for 23 hours per day without qualified, experienced counsel to start work on his appeal.

"It is unconscionable that NBPC and PORAC have provided shoddy representation on a bogus prosecution that affects every law enforcement officer in America, and yet after 8 years of paying dues, the NBPC has left it to civilian advocates to help Agent Diaz in his quest for justice", said Ramirez.

JeffSchwilk@cox.net 760-525-1655

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