Hi Folks,

Before I do some calling around, do you have some thoughts/input into using State Depts of Labor and the EEOC to go after illegal companies? I'm pretty ignorant about them both (I'm being honest) but a few weeks ago I was in Baltimore, and saw a busboy (wouldn't be suprised if he was illegal) who looked to be about twelve, and thought to myself, "hmmm...employing potential illegal aliens AND child labor." This is speculation, of course, but Dept of Labor would go after child labor.

As for EEOC, I sometimes see all-Latino crews doing paving, lawn care, construction, etc, and I'm kinda thinking to myself, "Self, a legitimate company would not employ 95 or 100% Latinos in my community...after all, alot of Whites, Blacks, and Asians also live in Alexandria, VA, and do blue collar jobs." So, maybe alleging discrimination towards all other non-Latino races for these companies, who for some reason aren't hiring any non-Latinos (or maybe 1 in 20 or 1 in 40.)

Maybe this is nothing, but who knows...please chime in with any thoughts.

