Deputies seize $105,000 in cash

  DAVIDSON COUNTY – Two bro*ken lights led lawmen to a bag bulging with two dead presi*dents, a statesman and the first U.S. treasury secretary.
  The clothing store bag con*tained cash – $105,000 worth of $5 (Abraham Lincoln), $10 (Alexander Hamilton, the sec*retary), $20 (Andrew Jackson) and $100 bills (statesman Ben*jamin Franklin), Davidson County Sheriff David Grice said.
  Deputies from Davidson and Guilford counties stopped the Dodge Caravan with tem*porary Virginia tags shortly before 2 a.m. on Friday. The Davidson County deputy was training a counterpart from Guilford, Grice said.
  The van was just east of Lex*ington and heading south. Deputies stopped the Dodge be*cause its brake and license plate lights failed to work, Grice said.
  Deputies and a sheriff ’s dog searched the van. The K-9 de*tected the odor of narcotics and deputies found the cash in $1,000 and $5,000 bundles. The $5,000 bundles were wrapped in vacuum-sealed plastic, Grice said.
  Deputies seized the money under federal asset forfeiture laws. No drugs were found, and no charges were filed.
  Deputies called in a federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement official. The driver told lawmen he didn’t own the van and was unaware it contained cash.
  Grice said the money was probably for trafficking drugs.
  The driver “might have a lo*cal connection. We’re still in*vestigating,” Grice said.
  Deputies drove the driver to Lexington, where he was re*leased. He made a phone call and a relative picked him up, Grice said." target=_blanks |888-3509