Deval Patrick laments ‘tragedy,’ fails to take action

By Howie Carr
Sunday, August 28, 2011

My guess is that Hurricane Irene is going to kill a lot fewer Americans in Massachusetts this year than illegal aliens are. But don’t tell that to Gov. Deval Patrick — he doesn’t want to talk about dead Americans and the drunk Ecuadorians who killed them.

On Friday afternoon, on live statewide TV, the governor went on and on at the MEMA bunker in Framingham about emergency preparations and mobilizing the National Guard, etc. But just as he was wrapping up, Jon Keller of Channel 4 decided to get in a question about Matthew Denice, the 23-year-old Milford motorcyclist run down and killed by an allegedly drunken illegal from Ecuador a week ago last night.

Deval had spent the week hiding behind a written statement from his flack about this latest illegal-alien atrocity. So Keller figured he’d get something on videotape from the undocumented workers’ best friend in Massachusetts.
