Dick Morris Article

Paul Streitz
Dick Morris Don’t Know Nothing ‘Bout No Immigration
By Paul Streitz
Nov 11, 2005, 16:42

Dick Morris knows nothing about immigration or economics. Nevertheless, this has not stopped the ex-advisor to President Clinton and now political columnist to weigh in with his advice in a column “Get Serious About Immigration Reform.� This misbegotten column is a paradigm of incomplete logic, faulty assumptions and the unwillingness look candidly at the present or the future. As with all political strategists, he looks for the easy solution today, without any regard for its impact on future years, much less future generations.

First, he assumes that President Bush wants to do something about the immigration problem, when the President is the culprit behind the unprecedented flow of illegal immigrants into the country. President Bush is totally captured by the cheap labor advocates of American business and will do nothing to offend them. Morris does not acknowledge what anybody who has been involved with the immigration control movement knows after two minutes.

Despite this, Morris writes, “Bush, searching for a way to recapture the national agenda, needs to seize this issue (immigration) and make it his own. A full and reasoned program will galvanize national support and unite the nation behind tough measures to enforce our laws and maximize opportunities for those who already live here legally.�

That George Bush is “searching for a way to recapture the national agenda� is purely a figment of Morris’s imagination. President Bush has put immigration at the issue at the top of the national agenda by steadfastly refusing to do anything about it and in fact obstructing effective enforcement of current laws.

Morris gives Bush the advice, “Back the fence. Walls work.� Of course, they do, that is why Bush does not want them. They would impede the flow of cheap labor to his corporate supporters.

Then Morris launches into the Open Border mantra of confused economics in a political wonderland, “Establish a legal guest-worker program. Nobody can deny the manifest need of Americans â€â€