May 22, 2010

Did Osama bin Laden Vote to Cut Welfare Spending?

Phil Boehmke

Alcee Hastings (D-FL) is at it again. Not long after Hastings and his comrades rose to their feet to applaud Mexican President Calderon’s attack on Arizona, he was on the floor making a ridiculous speech of his own. The Republican Party was attempting to call for a vote to reduce $2.5 billion in welfare spending based upon voter input from their ‘YouCut’ initiative, when Hastings came up with this little gem. ... ut-program

"This is not ‘American Idol,' or ‘Dancing with the Stars,'" Hastings said in a floor speech Thursday afternoon. "This is America's legislature. For all we know, on ‘YouCut,' Osama bin Laden could be voting."

Mr. Hastings may have more than just a little insight into vote rigging, but as for his reverence for the sanctity of our legislative process, there is evidence to the contrary. While Hastings and his fellow party members were busy forcing the poisonous ObamaCare bill through congress he stated that. ... +something

"There ain't no rules here, we're trying to accomplish something...All this talk about rules...When the deal goes down...we make ‘em up as we go along.

The race-baiting Florida Congressman is no stranger to controversy, while campaigning for then candidate Obama in 2008, Hastings told a group of Jewish Democrats. ... nd-blacks/

"If Sarah Palin isn't enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention."

"Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks."

Say what you will about Alcee Hastings, he is a survivor. When the former federal judge for the Southern District of Florida (a Jimmy Carter appointee) was impeached in 1988 (by a 413-3 bi-partisan vote in the House) for conspiracy, bribery and lying under oath his political career was in tatters. Four years later Mr. Hastings was elected to congress and he has been there ever since, helping his comrades in their war against freedom. ... to_cu.html