Do Illegal Immigrants Have it Too Good in the U.S.?
Border security activists seek those here illegally to perform hard labor.
Houston News
Thursday, September 22, 2011

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Since illegal immigrants in jail or ICE detention centers get free food and healthcare, ALIPAC's William Gheen believes that the immigrants have it better most times than the country they're running from and so would like to see them put to work.

"While we do have to hold illegal immigrants for some time, a lot of them should be put together doing hard labor and helping to build the border fence," he says.

Gheen thinks that illegal immigrants should be put on chain gangs working to build the fence and other infrastructure along the border and Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he's already one step ahead of the game on that idea.

"I got chain gangs. The only female chain gang in the history of the world, I've got an illegal immigrant chain gang too," says Arpaio.

Immigrant rights activist like LULAC's Luis Vera meanwhile think the idea of deriving "slave labor" from those here illegally is abhorrent.

"One of the shows that I enjoy watching a lot on TV is called the 'Swamp People,' and I imagine a person with that much ignorance must be related to the 'Swamp People,'" he says.

Vera says that this is the United States and not Soviet Russia.

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