My first thought, as well as all thoughts thereafter, was that we should have closed the borders coming into the U.S. immediately and kept them closed until we sorted out the who, what and why of this attack. Anyone found in our country illegally should have been detained, their backgrounds checked thoroughly, and if they were not wanted for crimes or involved in the attack on our country, they should have been returned with dignity to their homeland with an information packet explaining how to legally re-enter the U.S. at a later date.

Do the research before you vote next year


The times, they are a-changing. About 14 months from now we will cast our votes for a new president; a national election will occur that, in my 50-plus years on this planet, will probably be the most crucial election of my time.

Don't go with the flow, do the research. You owe it to yourself and generations that follow to make an educated and informed vote.

This is an opinion piece, I have the right to express my opinion and you have the right to agree or disagree with my viewpoints.

I consider myself a simple person. I want to be able to pay my bills and put a few dollars away for a rainy day or vacation, whichever comes first.

On a personal note, I typically lean toward the Democratic Party's ideas and values, as they appear more in line with my own. If being tagged a liberal Democrat means taking care of our own, equal employment and education opportunities for all Americans, a balanced budget and positive job growth, to name a few, then pick me -- I'm your's.

It is not my intent to slam the current administration in this column, but there are points I want to get across. It concerns me that since the 2000 election, this country has gone through some tremendous changes: more Americans without health insurance, more home foreclosures, increased crime and drug use and abuse, massive illegal immigration issues, the list goes on and on.

The current administration had to deal with a huge crisis that brought this nation to its knees the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

I can't predict how the previous president and his administration or a different president and that administration would have handled such an atrocity.

My first thought, as well as all thoughts thereafter, was that we should have closed the borders coming into the U.S. immediately and kept them closed until we sorted out the who, what and why of this attack. Anyone found in our country illegally should have been detained, their backgrounds checked thoroughly, and if they were not wanted for crimes or involved in the attack on our country, they should have been returned with dignity to their homeland with an information packet explaining how to legally re-enter the U.S. at a later date.

We should have dedicated our resources to finding those responsible for 9-11 and bringing them to justice. Again, I am a simpleton -- find the bad guys and take care of them.

At the same time, we would have made our borders more secure and dealt with those illegally in the U.S.

This is not in retrospect. Thousands upon thousands of Americans thought this should have been the plan starting Sept. 12.

Every president, since the dawn of time, has made mistakes, some way more costly than others, not just monetarily or how we are seen as a nation, but in human lives, sacrifices and suffering as well. We can't turn back the hands of time, there are no do-overs.

We need to learn from the mistakes and blunders made and work to right the wrongs in this country. We need to put our energy and resources into rebuilding our nation, seeing to the needs of our troops and veterans, providing health care for all, and in essence taking care of our own.

In my opinion, the president of the U.S. is like the CEO, the chief executive officer of our country, at a substantial wage reduction compared to CEOs of major corporations.

We elect a president based on our perception and knowledge of the candidates' experience and ability to put the right people in charge to do the job at hand, much the same as a CEO appointed to run large corporation.

There are countless problems in this country, certain issues will naturally rank differently in importance with different folks. Someone with a sick child and no insurance will be highly interested in a candidate's position on health care. A parent with a son or daughter, or a husband or wife whose spouse is serving in Iraq, will want to hear how each candidate plans to bring their loved one home, and so on. Be sure to check out each candidate. Again, it is your responsibility.

You have probably come to the conclusion that I did not vote for President Bush in 2000, nor did I support him in 2004. I would like to know from the people who elected him in 2000, and then voted for him again in 2004: Why is he falling so out of favor with you?

Seems to me he is delivering exactly as promised in his bid for re-election. His campaign was based on "Stay the Course," which from where I sit is exactly what he is doing. ... 75840.html