Dodd claims McCain has walked away from immigration reform

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa -- Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd on Thursday criticized Arizona Sen. John McCain for stepping away from the immigration debate and imperiling a comprehensive reform plan in the Senate.

Dodd said McCain, who is seeking the GOP presidential nomination, had let politics affect his tenacity on the issue.

"He and Senator Kennedy were working on a comprehensive package ... and he's no longer, I gather, a co-sponsor of that," Dodd said. "It had some bipartisan momentum, and now, if you asked me who's on the other side today I couldn't name anybody at this point. Maybe there is someone, but not of the stature McCain brought to the debate."

Dodd said McCain's defection on the issue was critical because Congress needed to act now or risk years of inaction on the issue.

"The later you wait the harder it gets," Dodd said. "You've got a window here ... and the fear is if you wait much longer, then it won't happen before 2008 and with a new administration it probably wouldn't be one of the first items you bring up."

In the past, McCain has rejected Democrats' claims that he is abandoning his efforts on immigration reform. And Thursday, an aide said McCain remained committed to the issue.

"Senator McCain continues to be involved with the White House and Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform," said spokesman Matt David.

Dodd, a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, made his comments to reporters after he spoke to a meeting of young professional Democrats in West Des Moines. The event kicked off a three-day trip to Iowa for Dodd.