Centreville is a small town. My son can't find a job, but our county supervisor and others think it's important to provide a place where illegals can find work. I feel like a second class citizen in my own country. What the hell happened to the law?

Work Center for Day Laborers?
Developer offers to provide trailer for day laborer center.

By Bonnie Hobbs
Friday, May 14, 2010

The Centreville Immigration Forum (CIF) continues to investigate the possibility of a worker center in Centreville for the local day laborers. Now the members are discussing the finer points of what it should offer and how it should operate.
A.J. Dwoskin, who owns most of the Centreville Square Shopping Center, has said he’d provide a trailer for this purpose on property he owns, behind the shopping center. It would not only be a place where employers could go to hire workers, but could also serve as a center where the day laborers could receive English classes, as well as information about services available to them.
Dwoskin would set it up and pay for utilities, but he’s asked the CIF to head the daily operation. It would provide volunteer staff members and determine how best to use them. First, though, said CIF leader Alice Foltz, the CIF should become a nonprofit organization so it can apply for grants and receive donations to help with this project.
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