Does the Truth Matter Anymore? 11/02/08

I was listening to the President on the radio last week. He was talking about how we are a nation of laws. I was parked at a job site and as he spoke those words I looked out my truck window at the house. There was a five man brick mason crew working, four guys were on ladders painting the outside and there was a lawn care crew working across the street. Every one of them were illegal aliens. Before you start assuming that I must be a racist, just remember that I talked to the wife of a Mexican coyote once and she told me that probably 99% of the Hispanics I see on construction sites in Columbia, SC are illegals. She knew that because her husband was responsible for bringing a lot of them into South Carolina.

Read the following article, it is from the State newspaper, this is a comment from a lady from Mt. Pleasant, SC. Look at how this woman can put a spin on the facts. And the truth.

Undocumented workers not dragging us down
For the sake of our state’s economy, our business community (and tax base) and the ideals of fairness and justice, the inadequate infrastructure of the past must be adapted to today’s realities. Certainly, I hope, we have learned our lesson from the civil rights movement, i.e. using the poorest and least powerful among us as scapegoats to explain away all that is wrong with our country — and then having to undo the damage. One thing is for sure: Solutions are not to be found in an atmosphere of racial cleansing, profiling or a modern-day pogrom.
The vast majority of undocumented immigrants are not problematic, nor do they cost us more than they contribute, and most are not eligible for welfare or free health care. Economic analyses show a net gain for the state’s bottom line, in fact, and many actually do pay taxes.
This is a population that is ready and eager to pay their way, if given the opportunity. Our own University of South Carolina’s Consortium for Latino Immigration Studies is a treasure trove of information on this topic (
Our neighbor Mexico is not the enemy. The enemy is xenophobia and a fear of change. Actually, our economies are quite integrated, and what’s good for Mexico generally is good for us. Many are unaware that Mexico is our third-largest trading partner, as well as the third-largest exporter of petroleum to the United States.
Mt. Pleasant

Ms. Hernandez, first of all, the illegal alien problem in this state has nothing at all to do with the civil rights movement. In case you never took any history classes, the civil rights struggle was about American citizens standing up for rights that were guaranteed under the US Constitution, rights that they had been denied for a long time. And if you never had any geography classes, illegal aliens are citizens of other nations that broke our laws and came into our country without our express permission. And no matter what color you try to paint the picture the truth still comes out. Namely, they are criminals and it has nothing to do with civil rights. No matter what color lipstick you try to put on the pig, in the end it is still a pig.

And the vast majority of illegal aliens in this state is a problem, a very huge problem. If you say that they are not causing problems for the workers and businesses in this state then you madam, are a liar. Straight and simple. Illegal aliens in this state steal jobs, businesses, bring down the education level of our own sons and daughters and take things from our social services that they do not deserve. They have literally taken over my entire industry. Thousands upon thousands of South Carolinians have lost their jobs and businesses to illegal aliens. That is a fact. A cold hard fact no matter what kind of spin that you want to put on it. And if any illegal alien in this state is paying taxes then it is because they have stolen someone’s identity which is another crime on top of the ones they have already committed. That is another fact.

So the next time that you want to write a comment on illegal aliens in the state of South Carolina, I suggest you get your facts straight and your lies also. And take off your rose colored glasses. Because I see the truth every day. I see the truth every time I am forced to compete with people that are not even supposed to be in my country. Which is every day.