Don't let illegal immigrants take stimulus jobs

James Connors - Lake Geneva, Wis.

The USA TODAY article "Stimulus law may allow illegal workers to take jobs" summarizes yet another way illegal immigrants are stealing from honest, hardworking citizens (News, Monday).

The stimulus package is being paid for by U.S. taxpayers and is for the benefit of this nation's citizens. The stimulus package is not intended as free funding for illegal immigrants who are ruining our schools, cities, health care system and the very sovereignty of the United States.

Enough is enough. I ask my fellow citizens of the United States to insist their representatives in Congress uphold their oath of office and enforce the laws of the USA. Direct your representative/senator to support E-Verify, an effective tool to prevent illegal immigrants from taking U.S. jobs. If we do not protect our sovereignty, there will be no United Sates.
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