An America divided--Part Three

Madeline Crabb
January 22, 2007

America is becoming a nation divided because of federal immigration policy, particularly as it relates to illegal immigration. We hear all the arguments that Mexicans and other immigrants do the jobs some Americans won't do. In some respects this may be true. Many of the jobs Mexicans do used to be starter jobs for our youth; but we've raised such spoiled kids that many of them won't do these jobs. They would rather sit around playing video or computer games, or just vegetate with cell phones stuck to their ears. It's hard to work when you're so preoccupied with leisure.

Then we have the sector of Americans who would rather let Daddy Government take care of them rather than taking menial, low-paying jobs. I've actually heard someone in my own family say that he could get more from the government than working a job, so why work. So the welfare state grows, and illegals take those jobs that could be filled if certain Americans weren't so lazy and addicted to welfare. But even illegals get significant government largesse once here, as we'll soon learn.

Furthermore, many Americans won't do the jobs Mexicans do at the same wages Mexicans do them. So in a way, aren't the Mexicans and illegal immigrants really taking jobs from Americans? Yes they are willing to do the jobs, but Americans would do the jobs at a fair price. And yes, employers know this, but to enhance their bottom lines, would many times rather hire the illegal aliens. It is a sound business decision, except for the facts that the people they are hiring have no right to be here, and that they are preferring illegals to American citizens. Hmmm...No wonder people get so upset over this issue.

And by the way...there has been such a big hoopla made over raising the minimum wage that it makes me wonder if the illegal aliens will see a wage increase. If we are so concerned that all the Mexicans get jobs here to make better lives for themselves, then how about paying the minimum wage to the people picking our crops? The answer is probably, "When pigs fly."

The truth is that illegal immigrants from Third World countries, particularly Mexico, steal into our country, get free education, free health care, free food, free or subsidized housing, and in some states, in-state college tuition. Perhaps we even bury them for free — I don't know. If a woman who is nine months pregnant comes across the border in a cab, and is rushed to the closest hospital to give birth to her baby, the baby immediately becomes an American citizen due to a misinterpretation of the Constitution. But even worse, the mother will get all sorts of government freebies because of her so-called "anchor baby." Then she will bring the rest of her family, even the extended kind, to live here. Guess what they get? More freebies and handouts.

G. Gordon Liddy recently reported the latest giveaway President Bush has promised the Mexican government. Apparently illegal immigrants will now be allowed to claim their years of work in the United States, while they were illegal, to count towards Social Security. Does this make your blood heat up like it does mine? Perhaps he should reach an agreement with the American people before making such promises to Mexican authorities. After all, he and every other elected official really work for us. Hopefully enough people will learn about this latest handout to stop it dead in its tracks. And yet, the Washington Times reported that the State Department is putting a Social Security office inside Mexico that would make it easier for Mexicans planning to immigrate to America — legally or illegally. When was the last time you heard something about this from other mainstream media?

You see, all of this is being done without our knowledge because the government doesn't want us to know what they are doing. Senator Robert Byrd once said, "If the voters really understood what we were up to, they'd vote us out of office." Exactly. But then, we don't get much but propaganda from media in the United States. If they actually tried investigating and seeking out true news and factual information instead of doing all their editorializing, illegal immigration and every other problem would change. We'd even vote differently if people really knew the truth. Isn't sheer ignorance of the truth the real reason so many citizens slumber and sleep? The Bible says that truth will make us free. Truth will also awaken and unite us. To anyone willing to hear....