Any one care to venture a guess as to why.. ???Uninsured ?? Maybe not leagal , maybe invaded ??

- The Associated Press
Edition Date: 07/02/08

DRIGGS, Idaho — Soaring losses from treating uninsured patients may cause Teton Valley Health Care to close within two months, officials at the eastern Idaho hospital say.

"Obviously, the uninsured population across the country has been climbing, and we're no exception," Floyd Bounds, the hospital's chief executive, told the Post Register of Idaho Falls. "The bottom line is, small rural hospitals across the country are struggling."

More households are going without health insurance as medical care costs and premiums rise, Bounds said.

About 26 percent of the residents in the hospital's service area are uninsured, compared with a state rate of 19.4 percent and 14.8 percent nationwide. The hospital covers the cost of treating patients who can't pay their bills, a projected operating loss of $2 million this year Bounds said.

Hospital officials said they are hoping for more contributions from private donors, and local officials are considering an effort to form a taxing district to bring in more money for the hospital.

The hospital also has asked for $1.2 million from Teton County, which owns the hospital and now provides $32,000 a year from a total county budget of $8 million.

"It's hard for me to see where the county would have an extra $1.2 million for the hospital operation," County Clerk Mary Lou Hansen said.

She said the county's budget could grow by $500,000 this year, but others are also trying to get some of that money, including the sheriff's office, which has requested a budget increase of $600,000.

The hospital has closed a home health office in Ashton and decided not to fill four vacant jobs.

"My personal belief is that we will find a way to keep the doors open," County Commissioner Alice Stevenson said. "There's nobody in the community that wants to not have a hospital here."