Border Patrol adding rescue beacons for migrants in Yuma sector

Associated Press - April 7, 2008 6:44 PM ET

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - The Border Patrol's Yuma sector will erect five more rescue beacons in remote desert locations to help illegal immigrants in life-threatening conditions.

As temperatures build toward triple digits, people crossing the border increasingly find themselves in danger from lack of water, food and shade as they make their way through the Arizona desert.

Border Patrol spokesman Michael Bernacke says 19 beacons have been deployed in the sector since 2002, with 317 people rescued.

He says the new 30-foot towers, operated by solar panels that charge a battery for night operation, will be placed in areas with an increased influx of illegal immigrants.

A message in English and Spanish advises anyone pushing the button for help that an agent will respond within an hour.