Published: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 ... tm#q=raids

Description: Homeland Security puts workplace raids on hold
Automatically Generated Transcript (may not be 100% accurate)
" Fox News -- and we're learning some raids on businesses that employ illegal workers the -- may be on hold after Homeland Security secretary Ken Pollack Thomas said. She never authorized one that went out in the state of Washington William -- nest here to explain. What he's hearing anyway about workplace enforcement William."
" we're hearing from sources that the agency that work cited force and basically. I. Is as you said on hold this follows that raid up in Washington State where agents were going after a gang member and -- up. Basically arresting and deporting 28 undocumented workers now secretary of -- no DHS has now launched an investigation of her own people. For doing their job now I'm told that ice agents and other field offices. Our quote. Paralyzed by fear of losing their job or being promoted demoted if they deport undocumented workers that's something we're also told this morning. By the number two person under President Bush should VHS."
" A secretary said that and that she's going to target employers but she hasn't clearly explain. At least to the field level how that should be done and I think they're looking to see you know how can we execute the secretary's priorities. And do that in a way that will avoid her. Turning her ire on the agents. Now."

" Officially DHS says that the work site enforcement program is under review this is a statement they released to us yesterday. That secretary -- Paul Connell will focus on criminal aliens and employers. And -- rule who cultivate an illegal workforce. Basically -- I think it's fair to say there's a new sheriff in town and if you read between the lines if you're an illegal immigrant working in this country if you keep your nose clean it's probably a matter of time. Before you see some type of an amnesty bill. What concerns agents I'll tell you this is that. It ignores the deterrent effect. That that has we might be going to a time eight years ago. Where you can basically come to this country and not live in any type of fear of being deported if you're just working in this country. -- I -- not without explicit information thanks."