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  1. #1
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    Editorial: Migrant Labor...and Jobs Americans Can't Find

    From "The Marietta Daily Journal" (GA)

    Editorial: Migrant Labor... and jobs Americans can't find

    Published: 07/06/2009

    Blue-collar workers who voted for Barack Obama may want to reconsider their support in light of current unemployment trends. The president is re-opening a campaign for "comprehensive immigration reform" (some call it amnesty) even as jobless rates keep rising.

    Legal and illegal immigrants have swelled America's labor force in the recent years. In fiscal 2008, 1.45 million new migrants were granted work permits. Combined with the influx of millions of undocumented workers, this excess supply became the equivalent of the housing bubble - it was bound to burst.

    Since 2007, jobless rates have doubled. In the first quarter of this year, immigrant unemployment stood at 9.7 percent, the highest level since 1994, when data began to be collected on migrants. Overall unemployment topped 8.6 percent, also the highest in 15 years.

    The blue-collar sector has been hit especially hard. About 31 million native-born and immigrant workers with a high-school degree or less are now jobless. Unemployment in this category is now a record 14.7 percent for immigrants and 19.5 percent for natives.

    Not surprisingly, northbound movement across America's southern border has slowed, and many of those here illegally have chosen to "self-deport." Without prospects of a job, there's less incentive to come.

    But if the Obama administration and congressional Democrats enact yet another "regularization" of undocumented workers, the U.S. workforce will artificially inflate - further depressing wages and diminishing job opportunities.

    A better course would be strictly enforcing existing immigration laws.

    "If the United States chose to more vigorously enforce immigration laws over the next year and this resulted in one or two million illegal workers deciding to leave, it could significantly improve the employment prospects of our poorest and least educated workers," said Steven Camarota and Karen Jensenius of the Washington-based Center for Immigration Reform.

    Now that's a plan that might actually work for workers. ... 36078.html
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    Forbes: Teen unemployment is now at highest rate since 1965
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  4. #4
    ELE is offline
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    Why bring in 12-40 millions illegals now?

    Does anyone get the impression that Obama is intentionally trying to destroy America?
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  5. #5
    Senior Member ReggieMay's Avatar
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    Re: Why bring in 12-40 millions illegals now?

    Quote Originally Posted by ELE
    Does anyone get the impression that Obama is intentionally trying to destroy America?
    Absolutely, so he can have a global economy and be king of the world.
    "A Nation of sheep will beget a government of Wolves" -Edward R. Murrow

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  6. #6
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    This same opinion piece was run by the Fitchburg, Mass., "Sentinel & Enterprise" on July 4, 2009, and is posted here:
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  7. #7
    Senior Member laughinglynx's Avatar
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    I didn't vote for Obama but I was so willing to give him a chance. Having grown up in a very racist city in my teen years I became an advocate for changing the status quo of bigotry. I am really glad this country has gotten to the point where we have voted an African-American as president.

    Stating that, I feel I need to say I never expected him to be as bad as he is. It seems like every week brings a new headache and Biden just keeps stepping in it and tracking it all over the place. I have come to the conclusion that he is being worked by some group of people that have bad intentions for this country and their vision is to inflict as much damage as they possibly can in the shortest period of time. And Congress does nothing but further this agenda. WITHOUT READING ANYTHING. In fact, I believe the average person reads more about bills in the first week they are on the net than all of Congress combined from start to finish.

    It's pretty scary, but I also feel that this is a great country and he and his pack of idiots are not going to get as far as they think. Every time they misstep the internet nails them. Thank goodness for cyber space getting the news out as it happens.

  8. #8
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    I was starting to wonder why Congress votes on things they have never read--and I guess with Reid and Pelosi in charge pushing quick votes, that ain't surprising.
    There should be a procedure that allows a congressman to vote "did not read" so the process could be stalled, especially for nifty midnight amendments.
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  9. #9
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    as the bumper sticker says.

    dont blame me, i voted for the american

  10. #10
    Senior Member butterbean's Avatar
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    Re: Why bring in 12-40 millions illegals now?

    Quote Originally Posted by ReggieMay
    Quote Originally Posted by ELE
    Does anyone get the impression that Obama is intentionally trying to destroy America?
    Absolutely, so he can have a global economy and be king of the world.
    I still believe that Obama is a Muslim and his target is to destroy America. He does act like a "king of the world". Why else would he give all of his best speeches in foreign countries and not here. And he continues to apologize for America. That is what really gets me.
    RIP Butterbean! We miss you and hope you are well in heaven.-- Your ALIPAC friends

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