EDITORIAL: Shielding illegals from the law

Defenders of illegal immigration are formulating a new approach in their effort to abet lawbreakers.

The Los Angeles Times reports that loose-knit groups of "immigration organizations" are preparing to try to disrupt future Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids that target illegals.

The plan is to try to tip off illegal immigrants that an enforcement action may be on the way.

"Is ICE going to tell us when they're coming? What they're doing? No," Socorro Leos, a community organizer for the Mississippi Immigrant Rights Alliance, told the Times.

The groups are organizing students, union members and other workers to keep an eye open for anything that might indicate an imminent raid, such as "Customs Enforcement agents checking into hotels or renting local facilities, the sudden appearance of out-of-town cars, or a sudden surge of action at the local courthouse."

These "are huge paramilitary operations," Joshua Hoyt, executive director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, told the Times. "They use helicopters, Jeeps, mobile homes for processing people. They have to have jail space lined up. It's very hard to do that in secrecy."

What a fine lesson to teach the children about American's right to control her borders.

Supporters of the effort say they simply hope to soften the blow when such raids occur, making sure young kids are taken care of or that those detained have access to legal help. That's certainly noble, but it's hard to believe the real motive isn't to help illegals flee in order to avoid the consequences of their actions.

"We believe their efforts would better serve the public if they encouraged individuals to comply with the law rather than impede our efforts to enforce it," Kelly Nantel, an ICE spokeswoman told the Times.
