Egyptian Doctor Caught In Illegal Immigration Operation

June 10, 2007 8:58 a.m. EST

Manar Ammar - AHN
Cairo, Egypt (AHN) - An Egyptian doctor was arrested on June 3 for running a company that makes it easier for people to immigrate illegally to the United States through Cuba for a fee of $3,000. People who went through the process also had to pay extra $3,000 for the Cuban visa and plane ticket.

The arrest highlights the problem of illegal immigration that has caused political and diplomatic tensions between Egypt and hosting countries.

Statistics from the Egyptian Ministry of Interior estimates the number of illegal immigrants that the European Union has arrested and returned to Egypt to be around 15,000.

These arrests come from the collaboration between Egypt and the EU to eliminate illegal immigration to Europe.

Another problem that faces Egypt concerning the issue is "death boats." That refers to fishing boats that carry people who want to immigrant to Mediterranean countries. But then the boat owners throw the migrants into the water when they are about a mile away from the shore.

Some people face death from the water, while others are deported back to Egypt.