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  1. #1
    Senior Member Skip's Avatar
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    El Grupo making a name for itself

    By: EDWARD SIFUENTES - Associated Press

    NORTH COUNTY -- A year after a Latino rights coalition called El Grupo resurfaced, its members say it has had an eventful new start with a string of successes --- and a long list of problems left to tackle.

    The group announced its return last August after what members called a series of setbacks for the Latino and immigrant community in North County.

    Escondido was considering a proposal to ban landlords from renting to illegal immigrants in Escondido.

    Several Latino suspects had been shot by sheriff's deputies in Vista.

    And council members in the same city were considering a day-labor law that activists said would punish workers.

    "I wish that El Grupo was unnecessary," said Bill Flores, the group's spokesman. "When there is no need for the group, that's when we'll call ourselves successful. But the formation was in response to these major issues."

    The group is a coalition of representatives from various civil and Latino rights organizations that takes political stands on social and legal concerns in minority communities. It first came together in 1998 under the leadership of late San Marcos Councilman Vince Andrade.

    The group started as a networking opportunity for organizations, but has now taken a more activist role, Flores said.

    About a dozen organizations make up El Grupo, including the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, the American Civil Liberties Union of San Diego and Imperial Counties, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in North County and the Chicano Federation of San Diego County.

    Since its return, the coalition's members have been the driving force behind a lawsuit that resulted in some changes to the Vista day labor law, a successful legal challenge of the Escondido rental ordinance and a state Attorney General review of the shootings in Vista.

    The group also raised a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of people responsible for vandalizing a migrant camp near Rancho Penasquitos in January. No one has been charged in the incident.

    El Grupo reborn in difficult times

    Flores, a retired San Diego County assistant sheriff and a founding member of El Grupo, said the ordinances, the vandalism case and rampant anti-illegal immigration rallies in North County are rooted in fear about the region's changing demographics. Those demographics and the xenophobia they bring have been exploited by politicians, he said.

    In the 1970s, "a guy with the mentality of an Archie Bunker was laughed at, now they are sitting in city councils," Flores said.

    One Escondido City Council member who has been critical of El Grupo said the group does not deserve much credit and does not speak for the entire Latino community.

    "If they feel they accomplished something, that's fine, but it wasn't them," said city Councilman Ed Gallo, about the blocking of the council's rental ordinance. "It was the federal judge."

    Gallo, one of three council members who supported the Escondido rental ordinance, has said the ordinance was needed to alleviate housing overcrowding as a result of illegal immigration, which, he said, has led to a decline in the quality of life in the city.

    Gallo said he heard from some in the Latino community who disagree with Flores and El Grupo.

    "I don't think that groups such as this represent all the Latino community," he said.

    Prominent Latinos say the group may not speak for everyone, but it provides an important voice for those whose opinion is not always heard, such as new immigrants.

    "They've been effective at educating the public," said Robert Rivas, who founded an organization aimed at reducing dropout rates among Latino boys in North County. He is not a member of the group. "I think they've done an incredible job at crystallizing the issue. It's provided a needed voice for those without a voice."

    New group holds private meetings

    Current and former El Grupo members said the group struggled in the past to find its own voice.

    After Andrade's death in 1999, the group was responsible for various candidate forums and networking meetings that provided a platform for Latino candidates seeking local and state offices. But political divisions and differing views on the group's mission, structure and membership sent the group into hibernation in 2002.

    The new group is different, Flores said.

    And it's not just in the name, which was shortened from El Grupo Sin Nombre, meaning "the group without a name," to El Grupo, which simply means "the group."

    Meetings were once held at restaurants and open to the public. Anyone who attended had a say in the group's mission. While some said they liked the open exchange of ideas, others said public meetings made the group unwieldy and ineffective.

    Flores said the group needed to change to meet new challenges.

    "The old El Grupo was more of a networking and information exchange group," he said. "For a time, that's exactly what we needed, but now the issues are so important, with long-term implications, that we forego the social part of it."

    Under the new structure, membership is restricted to representatives of organizations. Meetings are unannounced to all but members and are generally not open to the public. Most communications among members occur by phone or e-mail, Flores said.

    Flores, who is retired, serves as a coordinator and spokesman for the group, but there is no leader, he said.

    The streamlined group works well, said Joe Cordero, past chairman of the Chicano Federation and who served as president of El Grupo in its previous incarnation. Cordero, who helped restart the group, said the new structure works because it's democratic and the group is open to change.

    One of the group's most important roles has been as an advocacy organization, said Kevin Keenan, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of San Diego and Imperial Counties, which sued Vista and Escondido over its day-labor and rental ordinances, respectively.

    In the last year, El Grupo has helped organized voter registration drives and free legal clinics.

    "It's the best way for people to stand up for their own rights; to learn what their rights are and fight for their rights," he said.

    Though immigration matters have taken most of the group's attention, Cordero and others said they hope to focus their attention on education matters in the coming year, including student dropout rates and higher education.

    A time when the group is no longer necessary is still a long way off, Cordero said.

    "In order for us to make progress, you have to look at it over a long time," he said.

    -- Contact staff writer Edward Sifuentes at (760) 740-3511 or ... _26_07.txt

  2. #2
    Senior Member Skip's Avatar
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    San Diego
    Comments On This Story

    Note: Comments reflect the views of readers and not necessarily those of the North County Times or its staff.

    ObSERVER wrote on Aug 26, 2007 11:24 PM:

    " This grupo is irrelevanto.... Only the newspaper gives them credence. "

    Skip wrote on Aug 26, 2007 11:34 PM:

    " I'm too sleepy to make a comment, maybe tomorrow. "

    Stop wrote on Aug 27, 2007 1:17 AM:

    " Hey Proud American, stop the sarcasam and insults. El Groupo is composed of legal Americans. When you make those comments, it makes you sound like a bigot. Anyway, I am a Mexican American, I don't support these kind of groups. They don't speak for me. Notice the lack of support they don't get from the Latino community. "

    Somethings missing wrote on Aug 27, 2007 1:34 AM:

    " We had a crazy storm hit us Sunday morning and it barely gets a few mentions? Come on NCTIMES don't make me read the UT for local news coverage. "

    Euphoric Reality wrote on Aug 27, 2007 4:58 AM:

    " El Grupo is just another race based pressure group seeking to gorge itself at the public trough. If El Grupo really wanted reform, they would be protesting the plutocracy that is the Mesican government and demanding that Mexico reform itself into a nation befitting the 21st century. "

    Human Beings wrote on Aug 27, 2007 5:08 AM:

    " When we all take care of each other we will no longer need this group. Until then, go El Grupo! "

    Carter: wrote on Aug 27, 2007 6:08 AM:

    " Lets get this straight: The problem is not with Latino immigrants - the problem is with ILLEGAL ALEINS! And the NCT works hard at keeping the Latino public stirred up so they will buy their newspapers. The leadership in El Grupo want to be accepted as leaders and can find no other way. El Grupo should take a good look at the ACLU and their beginning and they will know where they are coming from. It would be best for them to stay as far away from them as possible. They will eat into your pocketbooks to further their own causes. In every human endeavor mistakes are made - and I am sure our Sheriffs Department is no different, and when they make mistakes and the mistakes need to be brought before the public. However, I will put our Sheriff's Department up against any any the nation. El Grupo is a clandestine operation, hiding in the shadows afraid to meet and operate in the light of day - according to the above article. I suppose that serves to satisfy the cravings of some, but it just brings the bile up from my stomach. "

    Maybe El Grupo wrote on Aug 27, 2007 6:19 AM:

    " can help Americans secure the border so we don't have the terrorist who doesn't care if you are mexican or american, they just want to kill all of us! Or is El Grupo part of the terrorist plot? "

    Political Opportunist wrote on Aug 27, 2007 6:31 AM:

    " The Group of Bill Flores has nothing to do with El Grupo Sin Nombre. Instead, this political opportunist (new to the community) hijacked the name as a platform for his political ambitions. "

    Stu wrote on Aug 27, 2007 6:56 AM:

    " They can start by having their allegiance to the Red, White, and Blue, instead of the Green, White, and Red. Then everything else would follow as it should, and they would disband out of sheer embarrassement for what they espouse. "

    The Buck Stops wrote on Aug 27, 2007 7:07 AM:

    " Yes, what a bang up job they did on that Senate immigration bill too! Maybe now El Groupo can get a clueo and fight for something that's not a lost cause. Like say, reform in Mex......oh never mind! "

    Federal Rental Ban wrote on Aug 27, 2007 7:10 AM:

    " Renting property is a business. The business relationship between landlord and tenant is a long term relationship lasting for months or years. Asking a landlord to spend a few minutes to verify residency status using something like an I-9 form, much like employers are now required to do, is not a big deal except to the illegal immigrant who is trying to blend into the existing community undetected. For the last 20 years, I have had to provide documents to my employer in order to be able to work. Fake documents is the currency of criminals and are no excuse for not implementing effective policies, such as a Federal rental ban. By the way, legal immigrants are required to carry papers at all times (8 U.S.C. 1304(e)) and to submit a change of address within 10 days of moving (8 U.S.C. 1305 and 1306). Foreign nationals do not have the right to invade the US and reside here without consequence because they claim some civil right violation. That is a perversion of civil rights, and if allowed to continue, may result in tyranny imposed by the foreign invaders. Every citizen of the US, including landlords, should welcome the opportunity to assist in the effort to address the problem of illegal immigration. "

    Importing Racism wrote on Aug 27, 2007 7:31 AM:

    " According to a UC Davis Researcher, 'Much worse than U.S. natives, immigrants tend to have racist attitudes toward African-Americans. The U.S., by accepting large numbers of immigrants, is in effect importing racism.' If we want to address racism, then address illegal immigration! "

    McD wrote on Aug 27, 2007 7:33 AM:

    " When will these so called "Civil Rights" groupo's understand the glaring fact that the people who are in OUR COUNTRY illegaly DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS-- Civil or otherwise-- "Head em up and move em out" "

    To Stop wrote on Aug 27, 2007 7:46 AM:

    " Don't bother NCT pulled Proud Americans remarks, I had seen it to earlier. Looks like Big Brother is here. "

    Yep wrote on Aug 27, 2007 7:48 AM:

    " today is censorship day at the old NCT! "

    Hey Ed, wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:03 AM:

    " Pick a new subject, your boring me. "

    Secret group wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:05 AM:

    " They meet in secrecy with meetings closed to the public. I hope there are never any taxpayer monies spent on project supporting this group. They need to concentrate on grafitti and getting rid of overcrowding before they continue to encourage people to come and stay here illegally. "

    What Rights??? wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:09 AM:

    " "It's the best way for people to stand up for their own rights; to learn what their rights are and fight for their rights." What rights (that people who are here illegally, using stolen social security cards) is he talking about?? Obviously, he cares more about the illegal Mexican immigrants than he cares about legal U.S. citizens and the law. "

    Advocacy?? wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:22 AM:

    " They call this an "advocacy program". Just who and what is it that they are advocating for?? We can only look at their actions since they don't allow outsiders in their meetings. Seems like Flores is just using this group for his own agenda. "

    Concerned-1 wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:24 AM:

    " Is this news? A racially motivated group supporting people who break the law. Sometimes I wonder. "

    You all need to recognize wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:27 AM:

    " I bet all of you hating on Bill Flores and this group are members of the hate group known as the minutemen! I wonder why the minutemen don't disband out of sheer embarassment I mean really, love affairs exposed, vandalism of migrant camps exposed, I saw a video of Jeff Schwilk rocking a red bikini, yeah I think the embarassment card needs to be played elsewhere. Good for you Bill Flores continued success to you and yours. "

    I want to rob wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:48 AM:

    " banks! Support me ok, El Grupo?? "

    Dutch wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:51 AM:

    " What a waste of newspaper space. This is the best NC Times can come up with? "

    Greg wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:55 AM:

    " Flores moved from La Costa a little over two years ago. I just wonder why he didn't start his movement there. Or why he left that community. "

    Traitor Resigns wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:58 AM:

    " Alberto Gonzales, the traitor who presided over the Bush administration's political imprisonment of heroic Border Patrol Agents, Ramos and Campeon, has resigned. ... 9d9t00.txt His fellow traitor, Johnny Sutton, the defender of drug mules employed by the drug cartels, should likewise resign!!! "

    whats happening.. wrote on Aug 27, 2007 8:58 AM:

    " this is off base from this story but when something drops off the front page the people and politicians go quiet...whats going on with the ban on 24 hr street parking? what about all the 'mini dorm' houses in our residential communities. "

    Paul wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:00 AM:

    " Wasn't there an article on meth users today or yesterday, that said the shootings of the Latinos in Vista was meth related? I guess Flores endores Meth. The new Timothy Leary. "

    Agenda: wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:00 AM:

    " NC Times, so long as you delete or do not post reader comments that do not fit your political agenda, I won't even use you to wrap fish or line my birds cage. You are an embarrasemnt to free speech. "

    Censor2 wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:03 AM:

    " Wow! El Gruple must be a very powerful organization. Almost everytime Bill Flores calls an elected official a racist, the NCTimes seems to print it. Then, if a member of the community gets a similar comment published, El Grupo's inside person at the NCTimes seems to get the comment unpublished. "

    Agenda: wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:05 AM:

    " With "Big Eddie S" putting them on the front page of this rag, they will only get a bad name that no law abiding american will trust. Find a new drum to beat Ed, you old, tired and obvious agenda is only boring us. Go to Mexico and straighten them up, OK? "

    Pablo wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:09 AM:

    " If Mr. Flores cared about the plight of Latinos he would join the city council in their effort to curtail the slumlords who cram so many tenants into spaces so small that the tenants are unsafe and unhealthy. He should be ashamed of himself for using their plight for his political gain. "

    Citizen X wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:09 AM:

    " I'm going to start an orgainzation called "The Group". The group is 'a coalition of representatives from various civil and Caucasian rights organizations that takes political stands on social and legal concerns in non-minority communities'. Anyone want to bet how long until it's branded a racist organization? By the way, the text above is the description of El Groupowith just two words changed. Now whose the racist??!!?? "

    bryan wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:11 AM:

    " All this paper wants to do is keep telling the illegal alien story until they can get amnesty. their goal is to promote any small story or issue. We legal americans just want laws followed and want to be able to walk down the street at night and to be able to send our kids to safe schools. "

    To Concerned you are right wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:17 AM:

    " The real news is the SDMM are the prime suspects in the vandalism of the personal property of migrants. I think the SDMM is a racially motivated group supporting people who break the law. Sometimes I wonder. Hey Secret Group these guys collect $10,000 for a reward to catch lawbreakers, I don't think they have or will ever need taxpayer money. I know one thing for sure I have not read in the news anything about poor handling of the money donated to this group. Nothing like the news I have read in various newspapers about the minutemen groups and the inapproriate use of donated funds. "

    NCTimes Censorship wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:44 AM:

    " The NCTimes is not a balanced newspaper on the issue of illegal immigration. On May 1, 2007, it published a front page article, 'Traffickers now smuggle drugs, people - Mexican druglords taking over routes from coyotes' by Olga R. Rodrigues of the Associated Press. That article was one of the most important articles on illegal immigration published by the NCTimes in the last 5 years! However, the front page article quickly disappeared from its Web site. It was not until the image of the front page for May 1, 2007, was published that a link to the story, acceptable under the NCTimes comments policy, was available to comment writers. (Since it is an Associate Press article, the complete story is available from other newspapers--those having journalistic integrity). I fear this comment will not be published, but if it is, each reader should read that article, and then consider the journalistic integrity of the NCTimes. Once the media of a community become corrupt, its government institutions will soon follow. (Is it a coincidence that the Cunningham corruption happened on NCTimes' watch!?) "

    Skip wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:45 AM:

    " Gee I got my post pulled too. "

    Chip wrote on Aug 27, 2007 9:49 AM:

    " Come on NCT and Ed, we need real news reported to us. Oh, and by the way, how is this group any different from LaRaza, and you know what LaRaza stands for? "

    LUVUS wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:11 AM:

    " To "Stop:" There's a double-negative in your 8/27, 1:17 am post. Up too late? You should join the group called You Don't Speak for Me if you aren't a member yet. Looks like "Proud American" got the boot. Every day is a potential day of censorship at NCT. "

    Jorge wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:18 AM:

    " Mr. Sifuentes is also making a name for himself. "

    Concerned-1 wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:19 AM:

    " Kudos to NCT for posting the 9:44 comment. "

    Jim wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:27 AM:

    " With Bill Flore stance on illegals, it sounds to me he thinks he is above the law. "

    More Censorship wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:27 AM:

    " My longer Federal Rental Ban comment was not posted. Summary, congress should pass a Federal Rental Ban. Lets see if this get posted. Or is it too offensive! "

    To Human Beings above: wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:34 AM:

    " Your concise statement is worth one thousand words. It's the philosophy behind your words that is leading to the demise of this great country. Every individual is responsible for himself/herself. There are thousands of stories of the successes of immigrants and minorites who have made it on their own without having the attitude that others owe them anything. "

    Dealing With Biased NCTimes Comment Censors wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:42 AM:

    " Folks! The Comment Censors are hyperactive today. Here is how I deal with the politically incorrect NCTimes comment censors who will not post illegal immigration related comments even though the comments do not contain foul language, defamatory statements, personal attacks or other questionable content. Before I post a comment, I copy and save it. No need losing a perfectly good comment. If I forget to copy it, I use the back button. Than I repost the comment later in the day. Many times, things that do not get past the morning censor are readily posted by the afternoon censor. Other times, I repost the comment on other articles on the same topic, sometimes weeks or months later. By now I have a pretty good guess of which persons and topics are the 'sacred cows' of the NCTimes. Hint: If a person promoted in an article calls another people a 'racist', the name calling person is a 'sacred cow', and true, valid, and verifiable comments about that person, that are not laudatory, will not get posted. "

    More Pregnant wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:45 AM:

    " Now that the summary of the comment has been posted at 10:27 am, lets see if the original comment will be posted: Federal Rental Ban. Renting property is a business. The business relationship between landlord and tenant is a long term relationship lasting for months or years. Asking a landlord to spend a few minutes to verify residency status using something like an I-9 form, much like employers are now required to do, is not a big deal except to the illegal immigrant who is trying to blend into the existing community undetected. For the last 20 years, I have had to provide documents to my employer in order to be able to work. Fake documents is the currency of criminals and are no excuse for not implementing effective policies, such as a Federal rental ban. By the way, legal immigrants are required to carry papers at all times (8 U.S.C. 1304(e)) and to submit a change of address within 10 days of moving (8 U.S.C. 1305 and 1306). Foreign nationals do not have the right to invade the US and reside here without consequence because they claim some civil right violation. That is a perversion of civil rights, and if allowed to continue, may result in tyranny imposed by the foreign invaders. Every citizen of the US, including landlords, should welcome the opportunity to assist in the effort to address the problem of illegal mmigration. "

    More Censorship II wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:48 AM:

    " My longer El Grupo Socialista comment was not posted. Summary, Aztlan is a socialist fable. Lets see if this gets posted. Or is it too offensive! "

    Name Calling II wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:53 AM:

    " This comment was pulled from this article. I am posting one-half of the comment, with a dictionary defintion. 'El Grupo gets its energy from calling . . . people racists, which attracts latino[s] . . . to its ranks.' Perhaps the comments editor is unfamiliar with the definition of a bigot. A bigot is one fanatically devoted to one's own group, religion, race, or politics, and intolerant of those who differ. "

    Nancy wrote on Aug 27, 2007 10:54 AM:

    " Eddie is a slow learner. He continues to confuse "immigrant" and "illegal alien". His articles are becoming more ho-hum. "

    Jack wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:03 AM:

    " Why would a legal U.S. citizen (Flores)want to help someone break the laws of the United States? Illegal people come in all races. We are trying to keep America from becoming a 3rd world country. If it is the law, then its the law. If you can't live by the U.S. laws, then go home. "

    Name Calling III wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:05 AM:

    " My earlier comment 'Name Calling' was pulled from this article. I am posting an edited version of the comment, with adequate support for the original comment's veracity. 'El Grupo gets its energy from calling . . . people [a derogatory term published in the NCTimes articles below], which attracts latino[s] . . . to its ranks.' The derogatory term was published in the commentary of August 22, 2006, ''; the commentary of January 5, 2007, ... _4_07.txt; adn the following articles: ... 89_56.txt; ... _23_06.txt (Is the truth too offensive!?) "

    Paul wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:11 AM:

    " So was mine pulled. I would like to know from the editor what was offensive about my comment. Don't refer to your comment policy, I know very well what that reads. What I said reflected on a public person. "

    Proud American wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:19 AM:

    " Until you guys stop labeling yourselves as mexican Americans or some other foreign nationality/Americans you will always be looked upon by legal American citizens as outsiders. Learn english, come here legally, work legally, pay into the system & enjoy the American dream. Is that a hard concept to understand? "

    It's too bad... wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:24 AM:

    " that El Groupo has decided to operate in secrecy and out of the public eye. I am concerned for the reputations of those member organizations that have typically stood up loudly and proudly for the causes they represent. Nothing is gained by the secrecy and seclusion except suspicion and distrust, even by those who might otherwise support the efforts. Come out and fight, but do it in the light. "

    Yes i do wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:24 AM:

    " LaRaza translates to "The Race" "

    Hank wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:26 AM:

    " Another illegal alien with TB discovered in Florida. He wanted to cut and run back to Mexico, but thankfully was stopped and isolated before it could spread it around. It is problems like this that El Grupo does not help with their open borders mentality. We used to have Ellis Island and politicans who cared about our health. No more. "

    Theotis wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:27 AM:

    " So let me guess.. this group no doubt supports illegal LET'S PICKET THEIR MEETINGS! Alien supporters, not jock straps, routinely picket Minuteman functions, so why not PICKET THIS GROUP? "

    Henry wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:34 AM:

    " It would be good if El Grupo allowed some of the $10,000. reward money to be used to apprehend and arrest the taggers who are defacing our communities. Perhaps the young gangbangers and punks would respond if community leaders in their community condemned and assisted the police in apprehending them and putting them behind bars. "

    Amazed wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:36 AM:

    " Just what we need a group that holds secret meetings that make plans to aid those that are here illegally. I wonder what would happen if a group like this formed in Mexico to help US Citizens living there and making demands on the government to aid them? How long would it take the Mexican government to arrest the members of a group like this? Who would stand up for their rights of freedom to mee6? "

    Ray wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:51 AM:

    " Yet another "slanted" story by our favorite reporter "Sifuentes". "

    From Comments Mediator wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:57 AM:

    " Please stop sending in comments that do not fit into the political bias of this publication, my delete button finger is getting carpal tunnel syndrome. "

    Censors at wrote on Aug 27, 2007 11:59 AM:

    " the NCT, WAKE UP! This is 2007, not 1984! "

    To Comments Mediator wrote on Aug 27, 2007 12:05 PM:

    " Please stop publishing this nonsense, My bird only can use one NCT paper a day. The NCT is "biased" go figure. Doctors can help your carpal tunnel syndrome. "

    Skip wrote on Aug 27, 2007 12:20 PM:

    " All I said was that after that wonderful commentary on "Anchor Babies", that I see all of these Illegal Immigration stories as "commentaries", and not real news. It looks like at least 80% of the other posters agree with me. "

    Concerned-1 wrote on Aug 27, 2007 12:21 PM:

    " The sad thing to me about groups like El Groupo and La Raza is that they make people condem a whole culture. I believe they are counter productive and they do more harm than good for the Mexican/Latino culture. "

    Patriot wrote on Aug 27, 2007 12:51 PM:

    " Let's see... an illegal alien has the right to cross our border at will, even if previously deported, spread TB, give birth to children at government expense, have their children educated at government expense, receive welfare benefits for their children, have government agencies deal with them in their native languages, and be left alone as if no crime has been committed and no harm done to this country. If you don't quite agree, then research the presidential candidates' positions. I can tell you that two of them voted last year (as part of "comprehansive" immigration reform) to grant social security numbers and benefits to illegal aliens who have been working using stolen social security numbers. I suppose this is another "right" that El Grupo supports. "

    Bored wrote on Aug 27, 2007 12:54 PM:

    " Would Sifuentes and the NCT please stop pushing the illegal alien agenda already. How in the world could anyone consider this the top story of the day! It's really getting old. "

    Erin wrote on Aug 27, 2007 1:17 PM:

    " I guess Bill Flores will run for Escondido City Counsel now that he has plastered his name all over Escondido. God forbid if that should happen. "

    I would like someone wrote on Aug 27, 2007 1:25 PM:

    " in El Grupo to explain to us what the difference is in someone entering your house illegally and stealing from you and entering your country illegally and stealing from you. "

    A fill-in wrote on Aug 27, 2007 1:32 PM:

    " Ms. Diaz already has and is running for the Escondido City Council. She has the same stands as Mr. Flores. "

    Bankrupt wrote on Aug 27, 2007 1:33 PM:

    " Mainly it is the intellectually bankrupt who throw around the term racist. They can't think of reason to defend their position so the just say, "racist, racist, racist." "

    Food for Thought wrote on Aug 27, 2007 1:39 PM:

    " The NCT policies state that, “Editors will not post any offensive language, defamatory statements, personal attacks or other questionable content.â€

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