Mexico, 13 of January.- The Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) in the Federal District initiated the collecting of signatures in support of the national day called by Elvira Arellano in favor of the rights of the Mexican migrants in the United States.

Upon heading the act, the secretary general of the PRD of the capital, Carlos Reyes Gámiz, indicated that the signatures will be delivered to the U.S. Congress "to declare us in favor of immigration reform and against the human rights violations of the migrants that cross the border". He indicated that the goal of the campaign called by the Mexican activist in support of the migrants is to obtain in Mexico City, 500 thousand signatures.

To add, he announced that next Wednesday they will meet with Unions and social organizations in order to begin to multiply this effort. The party leader said that they will seek to obtain the signatures in public places, such as the Chapultepec Park, in Mexico City, the Church of Guadalupe, bus terminals and shopping centers. It is expected that in the middle of February the campaing will do its first count. (Notimex/SCL)