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  1. #1
    Senior Member Darlene's Avatar
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    The End of Freedom

    The End of Freedom
    By Nancy Levant

    Slavery happens when government and laws or individuals or corporations control people. In other words, when people do not control their lives and destinies, slavery exists.

    When government does not act to protect citizens and its nation, government is false. When government allows invaders to walk into a nation and does nothing to protect its citizens and their rights, their culture and history, and when said government actually aids the invaders, then government is involved in the collapse of its nation.

    September 11, 2001, was far more than a wake-up call. It was far more than an attack upon American soil. The questions surrounding the “findings� of 9-11 are far more than questions. The invasion upon the United States of America is so widespread, so far-reaching, and so rapid that American citizens, like all victims of violence and crime, are left in a very complicated state of confusion. What is real? What is truth? What should we do? Where should we go? In whom should we trust?

    Our confusion and fears, which have been played upon and escalated by our government and its media, allowed for the unabated ushering in of a pre-planned social and cultural invasion of our freedom, as so defined by the Constitution. The plan began decades ago. The plan included “a large crisis,� a new bureaucracy called partnerships and stake holding, an environmentally-based platform from which to spring the new bureaucracy, the hiding of freedom-stealing legislation, and a veritable mountain of highly interconnected executive orders that began at least 30 years ago.

    What has taken place in our government since September 11th is treasonous, but that alone has not worked to stop or even slow America’s march to slavery. What has worked is that American people cannot fathom the fall of their nation. Americans think that wars are declared. That is what we have been taught and that is our history, but we are, once again, misguided by unadulterated lies. Everything we know about wars, conflicts, police states, and military actions, globally, we know from television. All big media is owned by corporations – all – and corporations and banks are the movers and shakers behind the global governance movement. Global governance cannot be achieved unless America, as we know it, falls.

    The greatest mistake that the American people ever made, and so contrary to the history of this nation, was to elect the elite into office. The corporate ownership of media, and the corporate contributions to political campaigns all but guaranteed that their elite would be our only options for candidates. And we fell for it – hook, line, and sinker. We elected people who are so far removed from who we are, how we think, how we live, and how we operate on a day-to-day basis, that we now live under the laws that they implemented to benefit only themselves. They have done so with teams of the highest priced legal councils, the CEOs of the largest corporations in the world, and the largest banks in the world that now operate under their legal umbrellas called the World Bank and the World Trade Organization. Did you vote for either one?

    American citizens are completely, totally, out of the loop. All laws are now based upon and created for the continued amassing of power by elites, and we know it. And their excuse for what they have done to our nation is this – that we elected them, and oftentimes in landslides.

    The truth of the matter is that the very few have conquered the many using fear tactics, money, and servitude. We work for them. They control our paychecks, our insurance, our homes via mortgages, our automobiles, and now, with their take-over of our school systems through the implementation of their curriculum and their mental health screenings, they have also taken control of our children, who were (and I emphasize “were�) the immediate future of this nation.

    What’s in store for us? Here’s my best guess based upon the laws and executive orders that they have enacted by our elected:

    Non-stop war both here on American soil and in many foreign theaters.

    The absolute end of private property, which has been called for by the United Nations.

    Compulsory military service for all American youth, including females.

    The end of Christianity, which has also been called for by the United Nations. Hence, “Gaia� in your children’s curriculum.

    The shredding of the Constitution of the United States, or as a 5th grade social studies curriculum states – “4 pieces of paper.�

    A police state readied in case of rebellion on American soil, which includes Homeland Security, FEMA (who, via executive order, has been given the power to suspend all Constitutional rights), COPS (Community-Oriented Policing Services), REAL ID, RFID, ELF, NASA, detention camps, and cyber technologies.

    The regionalizing and districting of Canada, the United States, and Mexico into one entity for the purpose of standardized trade laws and practices = corporate profits, and also called for by the United Nations.

    Continued use of fear and chaos to achieve the governmental order of the elites’ choosing.

    By electing the most wealthy and powerful families to lead our nation, we now find ourselves as servants to their desires and servants to their corporate benefactors. Most Americans are so indebted to those benefactors via their mortgages, their automobiles and credit cards, mandatory insurance policies, health care needs, ever rising tax mandates, their compulsory military service, compulsory mental health screening, their public education mandates, their rapid loss of property and watersheds, and the loss of their blue and white-collar jobs due to the unconscionable and greed-based abuse of Third World people, that now we are faced with the unthinkable, which is the end of Constitutional freedom. But the truth is that freedom is already gone. Most are already paralyzed by debt and can only keep trying to make payments to our enslavers.

    We did this to ourselves. Granted - they lied to and deceived us, but we watched their television and did exactly what they wanted us to do, which was to elect them to power. At the beginning of our nation, we came to America to cast off an elite body of rulers who wanted profits. Today, we have come full circle and again find ourselves under the total control of an elite body. This time, however, that government is a world government with weapons that are unimaginable, and we have no life skills. We have only debt, and we elected them.

    As I have stated before, I suggest to you that once our current president’s term is over, and with the full implementation of the Real ID, that America is finished. But what is truly unthinkable is that, following a very recent history of fighting for sovereignty and freedom, American people elected another body elite to take control over this nation.

    ~ About the Author ~

    Federal Observer contributing columnist Nancy Levant is a former high school English teacher who is now a home schooling parent and advocate. She is opposed to exposing children to large campus cultures that are historically and poorly controlled by government employees. Equally, she is a writer for freedom and land rights issues and opposes the United Nation's Agenda 21 implementation in America.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I read this article with a dull sensation in my breast. Not because the facts aren't accurate, for the most part, I'm sure they are. The dull sensation was recognized as defeatism that seeped into me from the author.

    I recognize defeatism as Un-American. We've never had that attitude. I don't think, when faced with danger and the loss of our freedoms, that this will take root in our hearts.

    The author is quite accurate about the unimaginable weapons that the world has developed...and mostly with US money...our own taxpayer money funded the enemies of our country.

    What most people are forgetting....the troops that the elistists are going to call on to defeat us...are American guys and gals. Whatever brainwashing the government has done..these people were still raised in this nation by American parents. They've breathed the air of freedom...sucked on democracy like a sugarteat. When push comes to shove...they're Americans still. They believe in our Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

    Our danger is: being in groups too small. Gilchrist has the right idea...get hundreds and possibly thousands of people together...all screaming the same thing...FREEDOM...Constitutional FREEDOM....

    I still believe that we can elect people to office that are constitutionalists...I think Ron Paul would make a great president as he's a stickler for constitutional correctness....there must be others like Ron Paul...we've waited many years while the elitists worked behind our backs...but we're awake now...and we must work as never before to make people aware of the dangers...begin at home, and with friends..and it will spread.

    There are STILL millions upon millions of us that believe in the American Way...believe in our freedoms...are concerned...are ready to hear the truth...and will act on it when they know.

    God Bless America...long may she stand.

    The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. " - Lloyd Jones

  3. #3
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    RoadRunner--I agree with you 100%. These Globalists are small in number but large in money. They are very weak when it comes to matters of conflict and war involving them. They as individuals are the enemy, not their corporations. Their corporations are owned by innocent shareholders, many of them Americans, as blind as we have all been until now. Same with most of the hundreds of thousands of employees.

    Take Chase Bank, for example. This entire huge enterprise is operated by David Rockefeller who has been trying to achieve his One World Government for 53 years. I put up a post about a statement he made at a Bilderberger Meeting in 1991 where the thanked the directors of the Washington Post, New York Times etc. for their discretion in keeping the plans of the Bilderberger group secret, because as David stated, their plans for the old world government could not have been achieved without this discretion.

    David Rockefeller is......91 years old today. Then he was 81 years old.

    Pardon me, but I am just NOT AFRAID of this "old coot"!!

    He has met his match in this Chess Game.

    Now, lets take another one of these crazy sicko-wackos like George Soros.

    Now, this guys a real gem. He makes nothing; contributes nothing to our GNP; pays no income taxes in the US. All his money is off-shored. He is an aethiest. He has alot of money and not much to do. He made his money breaking the Bank of England several years ago. One deal...$1.1 Billion. He started currency trading on the black market in Hungary when he was a teen-ager. Normal boys were playing some kind of ball, but old George was currency trading. He's Jewish but has no religion. His father helped the Nazis, after they invaded Hungary, to collect all the Jews possessions before they were marched off to extermination camps. He doesn't believe in Democracy. He doesn't believe in Capitalism. Yet, all he lives and dies for is Money operating from the United States, the greatest Democracy of all time and rose to wealth working through Capitalism. He is a naturalized citizen of the US so has no comprehension of our SYSTEM. He cheats, the French caught him and they fined him for insider trading. His name isn't even Soros, its Schultz. He's been cheating the money markets since he was 14. He likes to think of himself as a "philospher", yet he has no philosophy.

    The man is Open Borders part of the One World Government crowd. He is without a conscience, religion or philosophy. He is a "freak" who happened by cheating to amass alot of money.

    Pardon me, but I am not afraid of such a man. He will wither with insult and humiliation. All he cares about is himself. And these of course are the weakest most vulnerable "prey" of a rebellion by the masses. How do you get him?

    Don't Spend, Save!!

    If we keep our money, then neither David nor George get any of it. If it is in our pocket, our purse...and not theirs....they have nothing to control, manipulate, play or arbitrage!! Their Party is Over. Picture two old coot weirdos at a poker party....without any money or prize. Will they play for the thrill of winning or the joy of the game?

    Nope. They only play for the "money". Take their "money" away and their "game" is over.

    If you have a Chase credit card, pay it off. If you have a Chase Mortgage, refinance. Have nothing to do with Chase Bank. Drop them like the "rotten" potato they are simply because the corporation is operated by David Rockefeller, one of the grandest Traitors of the United States in its history.

    He has been a Traitor of our country longer than Traitor Soros/Schultz. George arrived here in the late 50's early 60's from England where he fled Hungary. He is an example of an immigrant "run amuck" and the reason we need to be much more careful in the future as to who we let into our Country and allow to become a Citizen. This is obviously one that INS should have kicked back to England 40 years ago.

    Bush One--in his 80's. Travelling the Globe with Billy Boy. They are great friends and havin' a Grand Old Time raising money for Tsunami Relief. I wonder how much they have given personally to the fund.

    Shocked I was when Bushey Boy paired them up. Is this not the epitome of an Odd Couple??? I would think, but not really, because what it's doing is keeping it all in the Yale University Skull and Bones "Family". God only knows who is getting rich off the Tsunami Relief Fund...but we know SOMEBODY IS!! Because that's ALL this group is about.

    Bushey Boy!! A tremendous disappointment. A Traitor beyond belief. He is evil and mentall ill. He has no conscience, no philosophy, and well.....that religion "thing" is beginnin' to look alittle "fishy" 'bout now!!

    So we have us about 5 "key" turds 'bout now. Davey, George, George, Billy and George. That would be Rockefeller, Soros, Bush, Clinton and Bush. Of course, we could add the other Clinton and make it a half dozen which would make it, Rockefeller, Soros, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Clinton.

    Pardon me, but I'm just not afraid of these people. They are all everyone of them sicko-wacko-evil-life-sucking-parasites-from-hell!! I mean Hillary tried to walk out of the White House with the furniture!!

    These people are common, classless, tasteless folk with "defects". Davey is a Communist and Joe McCarthy should have been left alone to complete his work and get this man on the list.

    Soros criminal currency background should have prevented him from every receiving a visa for longer than 2 days and his citizenship application should have been stamped: "Denied--Applicant Unacceptable".

    Bush One--Anomaly. Proof that no CIA person should ever be eligible to run for President of the United States.

    Clinton One--Slick Willy, Skirt Chaser, Best Liar Ever--should have been Impeached and Removed from Office without his Pension.

    Bush Two--Best Actor. Maybe he majored in Drama at Yale?! Do we even know what he majored in? He would do what any Director asked him to do to get the part he wanted and is the All-Time Go To Guy!!

    Hillary--A Sail Boat. Just Blows With the Wind. The first words out of her Mouth every Morning are: "What's Hot, What's Not". Blow South, Blow North, Blow Bill...eenie, meenie, minie, mo.

    INCREDIBLY--this is the sack of riff-raff we've been electing to the White House backed by scum bags like Rockefeller and Soros for the past 20 years. Not... an.... American... in the Bunch.

    Could we have known their Treasonous Intentions and True Character? Not really. Not with the full complicity, collusion, secrecy and conspiracy of the entire American Press and Broadcast Mediums--what we commonly refer to, with an emphasis on the "common", as the Main Stream Media of the United States of America.

    The solution:

    1) Don't give any money to the Tsunami Relief Fund and if you have contributed ask for your money back.

    2) Don't Spend, Save.

    3) Commence an immediate Congressional Investigation of this President for Executive Treason for his Illegal Immigration Policy.

    4) Demand our Troops Home.

    5) Demand Troops on our Borders.

    6) Demand Moratorium on all Immigration.

    7) Deep Investigate All Members of the Skull and Bones Secret Society of Yale University

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

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  4. #4
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    An old friend told me many years ago when I was in business..."Never trust ANYONE who wears their religion on their sleeve....they'll betray you every single time."

    It's worked out to be an accurate assessment of those who want to pull the wool over your eyes.

    The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed. " - Lloyd Jones

  5. #5
    Senior Member Darlene's Avatar
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    Hillary--A Sail Boat. Just Blows With the Wind. The first words out of her Mouth every Morning are: "What's Hot, What's Not". Blow South, Blow North, Blow Bill...eenie, meenie, minie, mo.
    Now Judy, I think you have outdone yourself on this one. Thanks for the first laugh of the day.

  6. #6
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    Oak Island, North Mexolina
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

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