Enrollment drops in Central Falls

07:39 AM EDT on Saturday, August 16, 2008
By Jennifer D. Jordan
Journal Staff Writer

In Central Falls, the state’s most heavily Hispanic school district, student enrollment numbers are down by more than 400.

School officials aren’t sure what is behind the decline or whether the numbers will change before schools open. But they say the state’s sagging economy and the foreclosure crisis are probably contributing factors. Immigrant advocates say the enrollment dip is also linked to the governor’s crackdown on illegal immigrants.

In the state’s largest school district — Providence — enrollment has fallen by 1,700 since school ended in June, although school officials say the dip is not unusual and they expect the number to bounce up, when students who have not registered show up for school Aug. 26. About 60 percent of Providence’s 25,000 students are Hispanic.

Currently, Central Falls enrollment stands at 3,050, down from its usual 3,500, said School Supt. Fran Gallo. Central Falls has the highest density of Hispanic students in the state, at 70 percent. Gallo said it is not unusual to lose about 200 students over the summer, as some move away, switch school systems, or fail to register for the new school year until the first day of classes.

“But I am surprised by this — I did not think the numbers would go down as significantly,â€