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Monday, December 18, 2006

Re: "Wall an insult" (letter, Dec. 4)

This topic is obviously very emotional and is causing a lot of pain. While the letter writer mentions the Berlin Wall, that wall divided a country. To the best of my knowledge, Mexico is not a part of the United States. Therefore, building a wall to keep illegal immigrants in their country is a must.

If so many people want to come to America, let them in. We all deserve the rights that America offers. However, let these immigrants in the door just the way my family way back when entered -- legally.

Illegal immigrants should not have more rights than someone born in America or a naturalized citizen. I also am tired of hearing that illegals have "rights" at all.

If I sneaked into someone's house and helped myself to the goods and services that the homeowners worked for, I would be arrested and thrown in jail for stealing. That is what illegal immigrants are doing by sneaking into America. Enough already.

