An excerpt from your recent letter to me below: "Some have argued that allowing undocumented immigrants to stay without returning to their countries of origin amounts to amnesty. I would argue that what we have now is de facto amnesty. Almost no undocumented immigrants are being sent home and no one is seriously advocating rounding up and sending home 11 million people. Immigration reform begins the process of bringing these people out of the shadows and making American taxpayers out of them."
The fact that they aren't being deported and current immigration laws are being ignored, IS the problem. I can't believe an intelligent man like yourself would have made this ridiculous statement. Whose fault is it that the laws have been ignored and and illegal aliens are not being deported? It's not my fault, I, and many others, have been writing, emailing, faxing and phoning Congress and the White House almost daily for the last fifteen years or more screaming for enforcement, but we have gone unheard and ignored, just like our laws. The figure of 11 million was a figure from fifteen years ago. If you really think this figure is correct you are sorely mistaken. I lived in Southern California until 2009. I was forced to leave because I could no longer live in a community where I was made to feel like a stranger. I moved from VA to the neighborhood we lived in 1995. Then it was a quiet middle class neighborhood, a mix of whites, blacks and a few legal Mexican families. Within ten years it had completely changed, and not for the better, multiple families living in single family homes, cars parked on lawns and up and down the streets. Mexican flags flying and everywhere you went Spanish was spoken. I could leave the house to do errands and be gone 2 hours and never hear a word of English spoken. This change in Southern CA is not an anomaly, it is happening everywhere. Right now with the mention of amnesty more and more illegals are coming across the border so that they will be here when the amnesty comes. And in a poll of Mexicans in Mexico many more will follow. Anything other than strong enforcement is a death sentence to our American way of life and will only lead to us being in this mess again in ten years. Twenty million illegals AND their extended family? We cannot take in the world, you cannot put this burden on the American taxpayer, we are breaking under the heavy load now. High unemployment, lower and lower wages, higher and higher costs for everything, utilities, food, gas, medical care, education. We now have to pay for our children's books and school supplies and even things like handi-wipes and paper towels. We spent $100 at the beginning of the year for supplies for our 7 year old granddaughter. She has nearly 50 students in her 1st grade class, more than 70% of the students are Hispanic and most of them didn't provide these supplies. Again it fell to the few American families to provide extra. None of these higher costs are reflected in the cost of living computation, the rising costs of real everyday things we need to survive don't count when it's time to figure the COL. How is catering to 20 million plus uneducated, poor, lawless illegal aliens going to improve this country? You and other members of Congress are simply whoring for votes and care nothing about the future of this country, as long as you have yours. If our government cared anything about this country you would have kept your promises of stronger enforcement after the 1086 amnesty, you did not. You not only didn't strengthen enforcement, you ignored the laws all together. Enforcement is not just about border security, it is about actually prosecuting every business that hires illegals, every landlord that rents to illegals and it means deporting EVERY illegal that is caught. If they have nothing to come here for in the first place, they won't. It's really been simple all along, but you choose to continue to lie to the American people. But now we know that the promises you make are lies and we won't fall for it again. Start doing what the American people want, not what the illegal invaders and thieves want. They can't vote, We The People, can. Enforcement only, real enforcement, FOLLOW THE LAWS, it's what you took an oath to do. Do it!