These reports are being sent to me by an author/contact in the illegal immigration movement thru e-mail therefore I do not have a link. The comment regarding "Judas W. Bush" is not mine.

"For what has Bush sold the soul of America???"

The answer to that is *Thirty Pieces of Silver* - That is the going price for all named Judas.

Judas W. Bush!!

Eyewitness report from the Arizona/Mexico border
from two Minuteman volunteers

Jack & Barb
April 12, 2005

Didn’t go out on the line today. We just did some odd jobs around the camp, whatever needed doing, until time to go to work in the communications center from 4P to 8P. At 8P went on duty at the main gate until midnight. Not as cold tonight as it has been thank God. It sure was cold Saturday and Sunday at night. Thought we were back in Washington State.

Very quiet night at the gate. Not much traffic. Just Minutemen coming and going to the lines. We have established and maintain two sectors. They are the Naco line sector and the Mountain sector. We have this part of the border pretty well shut down. The Naco line is 100% shut down but we still spot and report illegals occasionally in the mountain sector. Each sector is split up into posts within visual and radio contact with each other. We have three 8-hour shifts. Depending on how many Minutemen are on duty at any one-time dictates how many posts are manned.

We have new people showing up all the time. Some come for the week ends from as far away as California and go back to work on Monday. Some come out for just one day. (We call them Minute Minutemen).

Information has it that the illegals are backed up in the canyons in the mountain sector and are running out of food and water. These are the ones that are making desperate attempts to get by us without being spotted in that section of the border. We spot them and report them and the rest is up to the Border Patrol.

I have not met one Minuteman yet who would not welcome any immigrant coming into the US if they come through the gate legally and not under the fence.

It was reported in a local newspaper that 20 million dollars worth of electronic detection equipment purchased for use in this sector of the Border is not being utilized and half of the things. sensors ,etc: that are installed don’t work. Some heads should roll over that. As I said before based on what we have observed and heard we are not impressed in the least with the utilization of the resources in the Border Patrol in this sector. This should not be construed as condemnation of the rank and file as we feel they are doing the best job they can do with one arm tied behind them.

The ACLU is getting desperate to get something on the Minutemen and are trying to provoke incidents now. They pushed one of the Minutemen the other night trying to get him to push back. Didn’t work. Then last night they walked up and shined a spotlight right in a Minuteman’s face from six inches or so away. Didn’t work that time either. We immediately report these types of contacts with them to the Sheriff to counter any claims they try to make against us. They should be called the UCLU (Un-American Civil Lawsuit Union)

They give us the middle finger every chance they get to try to get us to react. We are still trying to figure out if that is their age or IQ.

The Minutemen received a letter from Congressman Tom Tancredo congratulating us on a quote “immensely successful Minuteman project.�

“By Border Patrol counts apprehensions of illegals are down over 50% so far this month. Mexican military units have diverted migrants east and west away from the Naco section of the border where we are showing that Mexico can control the exits if it chooses to do so. We have proven to the whole world that the border can be closed and that a physical presence can deter illegal crossings.�

Do you hear that Bush??? Close the borders and enforce immigration laws.

For what has Bush sold the soul of America???

Until tomorrow!!!!!!!