I heard Rick Roberts drumming up support for this program on his radio show a couple of weeks ago. But now FAIR sent it out in their newsletter:

FAIR Launches New Program to Help Consumers Support Businesses that Do Not Hire Illegal Aliens

“FAIR Approved” Will Certify that Businesses Comply with Immigration Laws

As anyone who follows the immigration issue knows, the leading cause of mass immigration to the United States is the federal government’s longstanding failure to enforce the law against employers who hire illegal aliens. The easy availability of jobs in this country has created a powerful magnet for illegal immigration.

Because the federal government refuses to honor its commitments, millions of Americans have been turned into unwitting and unwilling accomplices to illegal immigration. Most of us have no way of knowing if the businesses we patronize are lining their own pockets and imposing burdens on the community by hiring illegal aliens. To remedy this situation, FAIR, in early January, launched a new program that will certify businesses that are voluntarily complying with laws against employing illegal aliens.

The new program, known as FAIR Approved, will certify that businesses have followed all procedures necessary to ensure that the workers they hire are citizens or legal residents of the United States. As the program progresses, FAIR Approved will develop an online registry of participating businesses so that people can support businesses in their communities that are not contributing to this nation’s illegal immigration problem.

In early January, FAIR Approved brought together business leaders in the greater Phoenix area who have volunteered to take part in the program. Working with Rusty Childress, owner of several automobile dealerships in the area, these businesspeople announced the kick-off of FAIR Approved in Phoenix.

Just as many ecology conscious consumers are willing to make an extra effort to buy environmentally friendly products and support businesses that do not unnecessarily contribute to waste and pollution, many Americans would be happy to spend their money with companies that do not contribute to the illegal immigration problem. Under FAIR Approved, doing the right thing will also make good business sense. Participating companies will attract new clients and customers, and American workers will be able to compete for jobs in their own communities.

As FAIR Approved enrolls new businesses partners, a list of participating companies will be listed on the FAIR Approved web site:
